So... here I am... and today I just want to tell you... Please eat more "E" meals! Don't fear them! Embrace them! They are part of the very healthy balance of THM... I've read several times people saying they find they need more "fiber" in this plan (because of certain digestive issues), others complaining of gas and bloating and many others just concerned because the plan resembles so much the Atkins Diet....
Please know that if your plan resembles the Atkins Diet is because you've CHOSEN it to be that way... I've never seen the Atkins plan allow you to eat up to 45 grams of carbs in ONE sitting! Have u? As far as I know the number is closer to 20 grams TOTAL for the WHOLE DAY! MY GOODNESS... I know I wouldn't be able to do that FOR LIFE... So... how about we shake things up a little bit and start incorporating the e meals back into your daily living? You don't need to eat all "E" meals... but you do need to find what's best for your body... to keep it energized and... ehem... well... regular as well!
I know some are afraid because they just don't know what to eat for an E-meal... But there's such a big variety to choose from! FRUIT!, Plan Approved Cereal
Today for lunch I had a delicious "E" sandwich! Lots of lean turkey deli slices with veggies, tomato, onions and with a delicious slice of cheese! Cheese... yes! You can have SOME cheese in an E setting, just don't add any other source of fat! I can't eat "cheeseless" sandwiches! So ... If you haven't thought of this.. YOU ARE JUST MISSING OUT !
Sorry... I was biting before taking the pic! Too good to wait! |
I think I've already mentioned it before... but I see so many struggling to add e meals to their menu and many others just saying "they're hungry" and not satisfied at all after an e-meal that I thought you'd like to know you can eat VERY GOOD FOOD (and plenty of it) in an E setting.
I had 2 slices of toasted Ezekiel bread, lots of turkey (there's no limit on the amount of lean protein for an E meal), spring mix salad, some mustard and 1 slice of Sargento Ultra Thin cheese (No, I am not getting paid or compensated in any way to promote Sargento, they don't even know I exist! But I truly enjoy this product! It's genius)
In this case I got the Swiss Cheese, but they have different options for you! and how much fat is there? Take a look:
There are 9 grams of fat per serving! There are 3 slices in a serving! You just need 1 slice to transform that sandwich into *THE* sandwich! so that puts you at 3 grams of FAT! Perfectly within the limits of an E meal! Fill your sandwich up with lean turkey meat! Tomatoes, onions, green bell pepper, salad and even pickles! and guess what? you can add one of those marvelous
THM approved Oikos Triple Zero Greek Yogurt (sweetened with stevia) to make it all even better! (incredibly... it is possible!)
Eat good, eat "E's", eat plenty!
© Paloma K.
Disclaimer: Some links in this post may be affiliate links, this means that you pay the same price, but I also receive a very small compensation. I recommend products I have tried and love.
Thanks! Love this encouragement to enjoy the E!
Thanks Crystal Jones! You are so sweet. :)
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