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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Caldo de Pollo and Cinnamon tea!

Poor hubby, he was very sick yesterday, he woke up at 1 in the morning feeling trapped and unable to breath, really congested, coughing and very uncomfortable, he tried to sleep the rest of the "night" in the couch of the living room, I checked on him at 6 in the morning to see if he was planning on going to work, and he wasn't, he was even worse so he called his boss and people from his job to let them know he was going to stay home. Hubby hates sleeping, even at night he tries to go to bed as late as possible, but I knew he was definitely sick 'cause he slept and slept, I made "caldo de pollo" for him, which is a Mexican "chicken soup with vegetables", It has the whole thighs and big pieces of vegetables, it is really good and everybody knows is the best thing when you are sick, so my soup had chicken thighs, cilantro, onion, garlic, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, potatoes and corn (seasoned with salt) and then once you serve it you add some lime juice to it.... It is delicious and very, very good for you! I also made the "traditional" cinnamon tea we drink in Mexico, we drink it because we love it (specially in winter) but we also drink it when we are sick, to make it you just need to boil a big cinnamon stick in about 2 cups of water, let it simmer for a little bit and serve it hot, when you are sick it is great to add some fresh lime juice and about a tbsp. (or even more) of honey... so that's what I gave him, he was very thankful and I stayed busy trying to keep our girl from wanting to play with "dada"  I succeeded for the most part, there was just one moment when I wasn't looking and I just heard like a "grunt" and then I realized the grunt was more a word saying "heeeelp", when I looked hubby had a big plastic container (where she puts her toys) on his head and she started hitting the container with her hands... poor hubby but it was actually quite funny....

He is now all better, still a little bit congested but he doesn't look half as bad as he did yesterday, he went to work and as he was leaving he said "Thanks princesa (that's how he calls me), your Mexican cooking really helped!" ... we know it was the prayers and God's answer that made him feel better... but my Mexican caldo and cinnamon tea did help too!


Unknown said...

Poor husband! But you are an amazing wife for taking care of him. The soup and tea sound sooo good!

Stopping by from SITS! Happy Wednesday!

* said...

He's lucky to have you. Glad that he feels better.

Sharlene T. said...

Much, much better than the old ginger tea my grandmother used to make! Aaargh. I'm calling you the next time I'm feeling ill. Thank you for sharing.

Carrie said...

Hi Paloma! Your tea sounds yummy.
This was the quickest way I could get to you and let you know that the recipe DOES call for oatmeal. 1 cup of regular oats.
Thank you for seeing this oversite. Geez! I'm a goof.
I edited the recipe and it now shows the correct ingredients.
So sorry for that.

Unknown said...

Yummmm i eat caldo even when im not sick its that yummy with some orange rice! Glad your hubby is better!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll certainly be trying the cinnamon tea next time the hubs is sick, since he's really not a fan of plain hot tea.

Stopping by from SITS!

tristan said...

You are such a good wife and I miss the caldo de pollo my grandma used to make when I lived at home! Do you have a recipe for carne roja on here?

Puppy day care said...

I love Caldo de Pollo! Do you have the recipe written down somewhere? Stopping by from SITS.

Mother Rimmy said...

What a sweet blog post. You are a wonderful wife. I've saved your directions for cinnamon tea. Sound like something we could all use when we don't feel well. :)

Queenie Jeannie said...

I'm so glad he's feeling better! I'm sure anyone would with all that delicious pampering!!!!

Unknown said...

I hope your husband feels better. The soup and tea sound like the perfect remedy!! said...

Stopping by from SITS - glad hubby is feeling better!

Paloma said...

Chelle: Thanks ;)

Salma: we are truly lucky to have each other ;)

Sharlene: I hope you do not need to call soon... or at least not for being ill.... nothing like being healthy! :)

My cookie friend: :D I am so happy I could help get your recipe right LOL! :)

Ruby: Yes, I love the caldo with rice too!

Jenn: You should definitely trying... even being healthy... that tea kept hubby from getting sick last month...

tristan: Thanks for stopping by! I am glad you are enjoying the blog (I read your comments on the other posts!) let me know what type of recipe you would like (carne roja? like any red meat??).... I might be able to share a recipe or two with you!

Laurie: So, you are another caldo de pollo fan??? I will write the recipe soon! I promise! Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you here again soon!

Kristi: Yes, I know you will find the tea very useful! Thanks for the nice comments ;)

Jeannie: I am glad he is feeling better too! I am now the one who needs some spoiling! LOL!

Michaela: Thank you... he is much better now! He had the last cinnamon stick last night... :)

Heather: Thanks for stopping by! Make yourself comfortable!! ;)

Hugs to everyone! I appreciate your comments!


Diana Bauman said...

I love this post Paloma! I also love making my own chicken broth, so good for you and a great way to get rid of the nasty bugs. I LOVE the cinnamon tea you shared. I've never made this and will definitely do so next time adding that tbl of honey! Thanks for that!!

Aurora said...

Que buenos remedios!! felicidades por el buen resultado..Dios los bendiga!