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Monday, March 1, 2010

Tuesday: Jokes, Quotes and interesting facts

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Welcome to a new day in "The Coffee Shop", If you are a first time visitor, make yourself at home, relax and drink what you want... I am a coffee lover but you don't have to be one to enjoy a great time here and make it one of your favorite spots to just make friends and hopefully share or learn some recipes that we have around! Not everything in "The Coffee Shop" is about coffee.... our "Coffee Shop" is just a concept.... an "idea" we use as an excuse to get together!

But even when .... we can talk about anything and everything.... Tuesdays and Fridays are "Coffee Days"... and today is Tuesday so... get ready to enjoy some "jokes, quotes and facts" all about coffee!

Some quotes:

Do Lipton employees take coffee breaks? - Steven Wright

I like cappuccino, actually. But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all. - David Lynch

I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon. - Ronald Reagan

Some silly jokes 

"Here is your coffee sir! Exclusively from South America!" "Ah, that's what took you so long."

"Waiter, this coffee is cold". "Oh, I'm glad you told me. Iced coffee costs a dollar more."

"Waiter! Did you bring me coffee or tea?" "Can you tell the difference?" " can't" "Then it shouldn't really matter."

And some of the facts:

-Caffeine is on the International Olympic Committee list of prohibited substances. Athletes who test positive for more than 12 micrograms of caffeine per milliliter of urine may be banned from the Olympic Games. This level may be reached after drinking about 5 cups of coffee.(wow!)

- Turkish bridegrooms were once required to make a promise during their wedding ceremonies to always provide their new wives with coffee. If they failed to do so, it was grounds for divorce!(Crazy!!!)

 So I hope you are enjoying your time at the Coffee Shop... Stay as long as you want! There's a lot of stuff to look around!


The Muse said...

are you feeling better?
i sure hope so!
as always loved reading the funnies...everyone needs to smile :)

Hear Mum Roar said...

I am allergic to coffee, but I will sit with you and my trusty coke zero

Carrie said...

Great funnies today. Love the one about fresh coffee and divorce. That is just CRAZY talk. LOL
Hope you are feeling better

Mhel said...

Cool quotes. heres another one:
"Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation."
Hope your feeling better now. I miss you!!

* said...

Thanks for the laugh...I needed a pick up at work, and coffee is not on my list, but a good laugh is.

veterankindergartenteacher said...

You are a hoot! Love your post today!

* said...

Dear Paloma, I'm having a giveaway...check it out.

Timothy said...

I can't help myself from laughing about the Turkish bridegrooms. This is really silly. I had read an article yesteday about the coffee. It said that coffee is one of the causes of yellowing teeth. Maybe it sounds so crazy but I can't accept this because I'm a certified coffeholic. We'll I guess, I found a reason to follow the advice of most dentists. St. Petersburg's dentists usually advise their patients to have a regular brushing of teeth, flossing after eating, and gargling a mouthwash. Our place is also known for great dental implants (St. Petersburg) services.