
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today is a new day...

Hello my friends... thanks for all the words of wisdom, for your encouragement and prayers... I am sorry if I sounded all weird in my last post.... I was just... too discouraged... too sad about the news I watched.... but you all helped me see clearly... and "The Coffee Shop" will continue... :)

I will try to post regularly... I will try to answer to your comments here in my blog.... I love you all :) I am honored with the friends I have here...

I want to also thank those who also sent me messages through Facebook and e-mail... :) Your words meant a lot!

About my relationship with God... well... He definitely wants me to be closer to Him... but the blog does not necessarily keep me from being close to Him (unless I am blogging all day long) ... same thing with my daughter... I can still be a good mom and blogger LOL!


Yesterday was a good day... Hubby had 1/2 day off and we went to the park... the day was beautiful and we enjoyed seeing our 18mo. play and enjoy the sun and the wind on her face! She was so happy

Here is a video:

It was really a blast! Then we went to Starbucks... Hubby had a "Cafe Mocha" YAY!!! I convinced him to try something different, he always has just black coffee... no sugar, no cream of course! he really liked it! I had a capuccino, it was ok but I think I will stick to my frapuccino mocha! :)

"Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness" Lamentations 3:22-23


  1. See, that's the GREATEST thing about blogging! The support you get immediately when you need a hug to share sorrows or a smile to share joys! We all need each other. Now, have a nice cuppa.

  2. What a cute video! We have been having nice weather, too, but this weekend is supposed to be cold and snowy. :(

    I love how you put a Bible verse at the end of your post!

  3. I am glad you are staying! I know it's hard-I am in full time minietry and it is still a challenge to spend time with God!

  4. Yay! I'm glad that you are going to continue to be around.

  5. Thanks Sharlene, you are absolutely right.... it's great to see the support of the other bloggers and friends!

    Ginny: Thanks! We had a great time... I am sure you are close to where I live 'cause It's going to be snowy on Saturday here too :(

    April: Thanks! It is a challenge! :)

    Thanks Missy :) Big Hugs!



Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!