
Friday, March 19, 2010

Coffee Friday / Treasures in Heaven

 Hello my friends... Today is day for Coffee Friday... So... as we've been doing in the past here is a coffee picture:

"El petit Cafe" Cornella de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.

This picture was shared on my "Coffee Lovers" fotolog (as you might know I have a group of people who love coffee and share pictures of coffee) the picture was shared by "Anita" here is her page: Anita's fotolog

As you can see I've been sharing pictues of that fotolog group lately... I haven't received any pictures of any of "The Coffee Shop" followers lately.... so I hope you take one soon to share it here ;)


Ok... That was our Coffee Friday picture.... 

I also want to share something I was reading the other day...

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. (Matthew 6:19-20, New King James Version)

And I was thinking how... sometimes we just talk about the "Not making treasures on earth" part... but we do not think or do anything about the other part... which is making treasures in heaven....

how do you think we could make treasures in heaven? If we stop loving the "earthly" things and accumulating for our satisfaction here on earth.... is good.... but it's not everything... we need to think of what's eternal.... What do you think we could do?

Have a wonderful Coffee Friday! And... share with us what you think "making treasures in heaven" means.... we might get good ideas... so we can work on that!


  1. I am happy to share a morning coffee with you my friend!
    Wonderful post ... and today I shall look for opportunities to share what I have...

    Blessings always! :)

  2. Oh, that is a thought provoking question, one I don't have an answer for right now. The first thought that came to mind is that my treasures in heaven are my mom and grandparents. I loved the picture you shared! Happy Coffee Friday!

  3. In a round-about way, I've been sharing what I have by reducing a lifetime of things down to only one of each. I'll look for even more ways to share, thanks to your blog tickle. Have a great day and come visit!

  4. It means doing good on earth.

    happy Friday my dear, missed you, even though I have been MIA as well.

    Hope baby's feeling better.

  5. Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! I had forgotten about your blog, but added it to my reader this time!

    - from a fellow coffee lover

  6. i am you, from the other side of the globe. i am also a SAHM who loves coffee and cooking (although i have to learn how to use a camera to get decent pictures).

    visiting from SITS. oh, and a follower, too :)

  7. Thanks Muse! I enjoy having a cup of coffee with you too :)

    Good thinking... sharing is great! ;)

    Ginny... I am glad you enjoyed the question and the picture... Your pictures ARE COMING!!!!

    Sharlene: You are so sweet! and you not only share things but you also share good moments, love, care and all what's sweet :) Thanks!

    My dear friend Salma: Thanks for stopping by! I've missed you and your dates! ;) ....

    Wendy: I am so glad you re-found me LOL! welcome back!

    Cheri: Welcome to The Coffee Shop! I am glad you liked it... I hope you stop by often... I wrote some more on your blog ;)

    Hugs everyone!


  8. I like the new direction of your blog! First comes the coffee we all love, and then comes the spiritual that we all need.

    Your scripture and thoughts were an inspiration to me. :)

  9. I am not even sure how I got here, but enjoyed reading your tortilla and bread story. I hope you are finding life in the US enjoyable. I love it here in Mexico (most of the time.)

    As for treasures in heaven, my thought is that when I look back on my life I hope I can honestly say I am proud of most of what I have done to/for others while on earth. It is so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day lives and never step out to help others. It is too easy to want more for ourselves without realizing we have so much more than we need to get by. So many have less than they need, and most of us have so much more.

    I am adding you to my reading list and next time you are near DF, you can stop by and say hi.

  10. I think the only way to store up our treasures in heaven is by reading the bible and having a personal relationship with the Lord.

  11. Thanks Marty! I am glad you are enjoying this new "atmosphere" in "The Coffee Shop"

    Karen: I am glad you found me! It doesn't matter how you got here!

    Life in the US has been enjoyable... It's beautiful and I love hubby and my daughter... but sometimes the pain of missing my family is... way too big.... I am blessed and thankful though! God has great plans! :)

    Missy: I agree... I think the greatest gift of all is salvation and being close to God and knowing His purpose for our life will help us walk in His path "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." and I think that's how we can make treasures in Heaven... Not that we get to Heaven through works (as it is just by grace)... YKWIM!



Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!