
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Coffee Shop is closing....

Good morning dear friends.... and followers of "The Coffee Shop" ... I've been thinking about closing "The Coffee Shop" might be something temporary I am still not sure... But I feel I should do that...

The why's

1. Too busy to get back to the wonderful people who write or to keep up with daily posting.
2. (the most important) I've been feeling from God... to spend more time with Him and if I write I should write something of more... value and content.... something that might really help others... and as I was watching the news last night... (which I usually never do) I saw the case of a woman who left her 2 yr. old son with a guy... who beat him up... and when she came back she didn't call the hospital... the poor kid was fainting, dizzy, didn't want to eat and sometimes would throw up... she... gave him an aspirine... the poor baby was like that for 6 days until he finally died... My heart SHRUNK.... BROKE.... And I am still so .... I don't know.... in pain! And I thought It's incredible I am writing about coffee when those things are happening! I mean... I know it's not "wrong" to have a blog... and just write about nice things... I enjoy that... But I feel that If I am going to have a blog or write about anything I should write about the Good News of Salvation... and how desperately we need Jesus... and... well... you can see I was convicted... I have a big mission which is raise my child in God's path.... My husband and my daughter are my ministry.... and tell others about God's grace and love!

Sorry about ranting there... I am just .... I don't know... I knew this time was coming but I didn't want to admit it... I tried to open a giveaway and thank God it didn't succeed... LOL! Just one more sign I should stop this...

I hope I can still stay in touch with the dear friends I've found here.... you can e-mail me at ... If I create that other blog I will let you know....

God bless u all!



  1. Oh, I am sad to hear this! I'm not a regular commenter, but I did just take some pictures of my Sunday brunch cup of coffee! I can understand your reasons for "closing" the coffee shop...perhaps you can morph it into a blog that makes you happy! Best wishes~Ginny

  2. You sound just like I did a month ago! I finally had to switch my blog away from the coffee theme, so I could write whatever I wanted to. But I have some advice. Don't worry about writing about coffee on here all the time.

    The post you just wrote inspired me to reprioritize my focus also. That's the beauty of coffee. Anything can reach your reader's hearts if we are all drinking that cup of coffee :)

    Don't close the shop.

    Or if you do, don't forget your roots.

    It's coffee. It's a part of our lives.

    But it's not all there is to life. So I'll understand if you do end up moving :)

  3. If you must close the Coffee Shop, then you must. But give yourself some time from the recent tragedy you've just watched before totally shutting the door. Your followers would love to hear your thoughts in other directions while drinking their coffee, right along with you.

    Blogspot now has pages and I'm going to take advantage of that feature to share a more personal-type blog for those who want more than recipes. Maybe you could do the same thing on this site.

    Hate to lose you but hope you will stop by my place from time to time. {{{hugs}}}

  4. Just because your blog is named The Coffee Shop does not mean that you have to write just about coffee. You can write about whatever your heart desires or wherever God leads you. We all know that we drink our wonderful coffee while we read blogs anyway. =)

  5. I double and triple what the previous poster said...your blog can still be an excellent tool for reaching out to others in ways that you feel may be more in line with what you are feeling in your heart right now......

  6. You are such a gifted writer, look at all the folks who follow your blog thats the proof :)
    I agree with the previous posters keep your gift alive
    God bless!

  7. You will be missed-but whatever you do, listen to the Lord!

  8. Sorry to hear that Pam. I havent been blogging for quite sometime, and im just sad to hear this. I guess you should just rename your blog instead of removing it. You've got loads of followers and friends. I may not be always present to comment on you, but it kinda saddens me that your planning to close the coffee shop. It doesnt really matter if your write some things aside from coffee. Anyhow, WE TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING over a cup of coffee. I guess that makes sense. You dont have to rename it actually. Everyone can enter your coffee shop and you can talk about anythhing.... U


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!