
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Trim Healthy Mama is TOO confusing

  "Trim Healthy Mama is too confusing" , "I can't figure it out", "it's so frustrating", "I am overwhelmed", "I don't understand it", "I'll never get it", "It seems like a lot", "this is impossible" "why can't we eat bananas?" (btw, that is a misconception), "the book is too big!"... etc... etc... etc...

Have you heard that too? I think I read that everyday, several times a day... and that's ok... I get it... and really, truly, genuinely I want to tell you... "I get it" ... We all want the simplest thing, the easy route, the "eat everything and lose weight" promise!, if you're overweight or have been overweight I am sure that you too let a big sigh out when you see the promises of a "beach body" on tv in just 6 weeks! You too want to lose 10 pounds in a week... You too want perfect abs just "walking" (but wait... even then we will NOT walk!) ... If you have heard of Trim Healthy Mama and you are feeling confused, discouraged and overwhelmed there are some things I want to share with you (some from my own personal experience) before you throw in the towel...

Trim Healthy Mama is "just as hard" to learn as whatever else you've been doing... it's just DIFFERENT and *that* is the challenge.

Now... please take everything I am going to say the right way... I am just trying to encourage you... I am in no way judging you... but I feel like the things I'm about to say need to be said and I am going to say them in love and with understanding because I, too, have been there.

Yes... there's a learning curve involved... just like it is with EVERYTHING ELSE... But I've come to realize that the HARDEST part of this plan is actually the fact that it challenges mostly everything you've learned... Trust me... I am not a "Trim Healthy Mama" advocate (or "worshiper" -like some people claim all THMs are) I am just someone who has tried it all... and THM does challenge my way of thinking towards food... I think that's what makes it hard for our "brain" to just embrace it! ... every time we want to have fruit, yogurt and granola, honey and nuts for breakfast or a bowl of cereal with fat free milk we start scratching our heads again and say... "wait, what? why can't I eat this again?" and it's actually THAT resistance that makes THIS plan "so hard" ....

Trim Healthy Mama ... just like any other eating plan that has 'weight loss' as one of their "consequences" is of course going to ask you to have a certain discipline... is going to ask you to follow certain guidelines if you want to see results and succeed... BUT what makes it particularly challenging is the fact that we just wanted to read the "same ol' same ol" ... we want something familiar, that agrees with us and that makes us feel smart about how we've been doing things (at least that's my case) ... Maybe subconsciously BUT we can't believe we've been depriving ourselves with diets "just for nothing" ... we can't believe that our whole grain way of thinking has been wrong... we refuse to accept that eating all those granola bars and drinking orange juice every morning is not the best way to get the triglycerides down... NOW WAY! What???? Eggs??? I will lower my cholesterol with eggs?

zucchini frittata and coffee for breakfast

 And then... if you have to add on top of our very own "struggle to believe" the fact that our well intentioned relatives and friends keep telling you you should have rice with that or bread with that or you should be juicing or when people look weird at your big salad loaded with bacon and avocado and you KNOW (or at least you think so) what they're thinking... "No wonder she's so fat! Look at how much she eats! Isn't she going to at least remove the skin of her chicken?" we begin to doubt it all even more, question the whole thing and we then either feel the need to explain "oh, um, yeah, I am doing this new thing, I know it sounds crazy but this is actually going to help me lose weight" ... or we feel the need to "conform and *not eat like THAT* in public!" how embarrassing! Dipping your veggies in butter... adding ranch to your salad! NO WAY! Not in front of all this people... Not while I am still this big!

Spring mix salad with hard boiled eggs, avocado, tomato and sardines

What am I saying? Is Trim Healthy Mama the only way to lose weight? Absolutely NOT ... I firmly believe that Paleo, Fast Metabolism Diet, Weight Watchers and even Atkins they can all give you THAT weight loss you're seeking. I've lost weight counting calories and doing a bunch of other "accepted" diets.... But... what I DO know is that THM is what seems more doable for the long run... in a healthy way! Once you let go of your fears and just embrace it ... once you stop caring about how people think your plate looks and once you don't mind eating "AGAIN!!!???" "didn't you just eat 3 hours ago???" then things start to click and work for you...

Lettuce "TACOS"

How much weight have I lost doing THM? Honestly... NOT ONE POUND.... I've been at it for a while... AND I know it works! My numbers are never better as to when I follow THM to the T .... How can I keep doing this? Well... 'cause I know my case is different... we all are... I have just been diagnosed with Hashimoto's and I do have Hypothyroidism as a consequence... I had been off THM for a while (on and off... but that's not how THIS works!) and I even tried to embrace the weight watchers or something else! Even something of my OWN making where I can include more bread or something like that! Well... guess what? Now my brain is all ruined...  I know what truly works and what feels better and like something I can do forever ... Now all the other plans sound "too hard, too confusing, too frustrating, impossible!!!" to me.... THM is part of who I am now and part of what I believe works ... I know I can get results with other plans, but I also know I don't see me doing them for life! And that's what's always "made me gain weight again" ... THM works and it is good for you... My sister lost 5 pounds her first week... she's at it again right now... Whatever you decide to do... THM or another plan... well... just be ready to make sacrifices, be open to realize maybe you don't have "all the answers" ... if THM was a plan that will tell you all what you ALREADY know... all what's already "out there" (eat less and exercise) then there wouldn't be the need for a book and Serene and Pearl dedicated years of their lives just to tell you what you already knew... what's comfortable... what seems safe, the quick fad that sounds awesome but never works.

Sadly, what we want most times is just "a pill", the easy thing, we almost want "someone else to read the book for us" and to just tell us "do this easy thing and you'll be thin"... we actually look forward to the "pins and posts" that make it all "easy" for us... like if printing another tip or list of foods will now make it finally possible... if you're not willing to even take the step of reading the book and learning the concepts, honestly I don't think you're ready to lose the weight... maybe you're not *there* yet... and that's ok... I've been at that point... wanting to lose weight but NOT quite ready to make the necessary changes!  maybe it's not your time yet, no problem! it's normal and common... but please let's not blame the plan for not working... it works for hundreds... I myself with my blood tests and results am proof that I've never been healthier (except for the thyroid)... and now that I just started a better treatment I have high hopes that the weight will start to give in too and I'll be happy to share those results with you!

So... what am I saying? Jump right in... head first and be willing to WORK at it... just like with everything... it will require of you some effort and discipline... yes you won't feel "the greatest" when you cut sugar off of your diet... yes... sometimes you'll feel like things don't make sense... But your health is worth the effort, the learning, the discipline and YOU are not alone... you can always ask questions and get encouragement with the thousands of THMS that are doing this... at some point it will become just part of who you are and how you do things...

Please work at it... it is worth it and you'll never want to stop eating like this to lose weight!

BTW... it's important to GET moving too! If you're interested to join me in my "From couch to half Marathon" challenge click here

© Paloma K.


  1. WONDERFUL post! Thanks so much for writing this. I've wondered how to explain this to people who are interested in THM an. You just did. Thanks again!!

  2. Thanks Allison! Glad to help make it clear for others ;) I appreciate you stopping by and commenting <3

  3. I have Hypothyroidism. Do you do anything different for your metabolism vs. the average THM mama?

  4. Well... I actually just found out more about my thyroid Lindsay... so I am reading about best foods for it and broccoli and cauliflower are not that great, I am planning on still eating them but not overdoing them. I guess I have come to realize that because of my slow metabolism I can't indulge on "frankenfoods" like other THMs can (like low carb products -breads, tortillas pasta- ) and that I really have to watch my dairy intake as well... I am now also adding more of the THM drinks (oolong tea, Apple cider vinegar to my water, etc.) ... I am hoping to see weight-related results soon.

  5. Great post! I started THM in October and just in the last couple weeks, I'm finally starting to feel like I know what I am doing. Ha! Those lettuce taco's look really good! I think I'm making those for dinner. :)

  6. THank you Ruthie! I am glad you are getting the hang of it ;) .... How were the tacos? :)


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!