
Monday, January 12, 2015

From Couch to Half Marathon in 14 weeks

Let's get movin'
Hello everybody! Tomorrow is the official day when we start our "From Couch to Half Marathon" Challenge... Don't worry... our challenge's first day starts with a REST Day ... so you still have time to go get new shoes (which I am going to do, mine are completely useless now), I will be sharing here all of my progress and each week (on Sundays or Mondays) I will share what the week will look like... of course, if you want to jump in and join me in this challenge I can send you the whole thing via e-mail just send me a message to and on the "Subject Line" just write "Couch to HM challenge" and I will send you the info you need... You can also see the schedule I am following on: Couch to HM Training Plan  (I just switched the days to start on Tuesday instead, that schedule works best for me, but you can change it to the days that work for you just make sure you keep coming back to share your experience with me and so I can also cheer you on!).

To be successful in our challenge we will be including:

  • Rest Days
  • Strenght Training (ST) - (sessions of 20 minutes) (pushups, squats, lunges, deadlifts, planks, etc)
  • Easy Runs (ER): Runs at a comfortable, conversational pace. No huffing or puffing involved.
  •  Run/Walk (R/W): (Alternate between running and walking), you must walk at a brisk pace to make your transition to running easier. (run about a minute and walk about a minute, you can and should increase your running times as it gets easier).
  • Walks (W): You’ll walk some of your miles so you can safely build your fitness, but keep a brisk pace.
  •  Tempo Runs (TR): Run at a faster pace, it should be harder than the Easy Runs but not so hard that you can't breath, this runs should improve your speed and resistance, you can actually start at a more comfortable pace and increase your speed after you are all warmed up, when you are done with your run you can add a few minutes of walking at a relaxed pace.
  • Cross Training (XT) - Low Impact - (like cycling, swimming, elliptical), what you do will be your choice, but it is important that you do not skip these exercises. 

Now if you are wondering how much you need to invest for this challenge or what kind of equipment you need to buy for this... let me just tell you that not much or maybe even nothing at all.. You can find great YouTube videos that can guide you on what to do and how to do it for your strength and cross training ... You don't need any sort of equipment, you don't need a weight room or to own any specific clothes for this challenge, my only recommendation again will be to get comfortable running shoes... You don't want to get injured, we need to protect those running feet (you don't see them like running feet yet? They will be!)

You can find great deals on running shoes here

Another thing (and totally an "extra", not indispensable) but it's something that I think is a great motivator and can help hold you accountable is an activity tracker... I absolutely love my FitBit... I have friends that are on Fitbit and I love having people "I walk with" even if I am not necessarily actually walking with them... Fitbit also allows you to sync with your phone and/or computer and you can challenge your contacts there to see who can get more steps in... it can be a lot of fun (especially if you are competitive)

My suggestion is definitely Fitbit I've had a Fitbit (FitBit Zip and FitBit Flex) for about 2 years now I wouldn't switch to any other (at least not yet)

My first Fitbit... FitBit Zip.... does the work and it's the most inexpensive one (there are different colors and I liked the fact that you can comfortably wear it in your bra, so there's no issue of "matching it with your clothes" or anything)

My current Fitbit... FitBit Flex, it is more expensive but it can also track your sleep (see how well you sleep, when you're restless, etc.) I love it too but this one you have to wear on your wrist, if you're going for a "not so sportsy" look then it can be an inconvenience, I usually don't care and wear it anyway... I care more about tracking my steps but that's just ME.

You can also find it in different colors, the tracker is actually a small device inside the wristband, you can buy wristbands in different colors for a very reasonable price and that helps you match it with what you wear.

 But again, you do NOT need a tracker to succeed in a challenge, it is just another tool, it IS indeed a great motivator (and also quite an eye opener when you actually see how many steps you take in a day), it is a glorified pedometer BUT a very cool one... these trackers from FitBit that I just mentioned do not track your heart rate ... Fitbit does have that but the cost is absolutely ridiculous to me.... (and I do get into all these gadgety things)

So... for this week... our schedule will look like this:

Week 1: (Remember, I start on Tuesday but you can start whenever it works best for you)
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday: R/W 2 miles
Thursday:  XT 30 min
Friday: R/W 2 miles
Saturday:  Rest
Sunday: R/W 3 miles
Monday: W 2 miles

Also... Remember to drink lots of water, eat healthy, get enough sleep and do some stretching before and after your runs.

If you are already on Fitbit and would like to add me to your friends there you can find me HERE . I'd love to RUN with you! 

© Paloma K.

This post contains affiliate links, the recommendations and opinions are based on personal experience, I do not recommend products I haven't used and enjoyed.


  1. That is so great Salma! I am excited you are taking the challenge!! Woohoo.


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