
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday of quotes....

Good morning! Are you ready for some quotes on this beautiful Tuesday? Spring is here and you can start to feel that flowers are coming! (The picture above was taken last year of course) ... Now, grab your ____ (cup, glass, bottle) of _____ (coffee, tea, water, soda, anything you prefer) and enjoy these quotes and verses that I hope will make us all reflect today:

"If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one." 
~Cavett Robert

"Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day."  ~Author Unknown

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." Proverbs 18:10 

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." 
Proverbs 16:3

Did you know that this coming Friday our friend Ginny Marie will be "making coffee" for us? Yes! On Coffee Friday! She will be sharing her coffee with us!  So do not miss it!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. Lovely quotes and very calming. Now, isn't that at cross purposes? to drink coffee and be calm, at the same time...hmmm.

  2. If those flowers are in your garden, I am jealous! It turns out I love gardening, but am terrible at it. Maybe this year I'll get lucky!

    Thanks for the shout-out, too!

  3. Thanks for helping me start my day inspired by your lovely quotes.

    I am a coffee lover lover myself,l so yu are a woman after my own heart!

    Came over from SITS!

  4. i am now following anonymously, due to some stalking issues, i could not simply eliminate you from my reader!...)wanted to let you know, why my avatar will not show in the follow list :) (at least for a while)...HUGS!

    wonderful quotes...i needed them :)

  5. g'morning, coffee girl ! Just to saY I posted a Coffee Party on my blog this morning so if there's any pictures at all that you might use on your pretty blog, please do.
    Also, how does your membership of the coffee club work? I'd love to be a member.

    I love all your pretty gentle quotes this morning. Thanks so much..
    hugs, bj

  6. Thanks Sharlene: Yes, very nice opposites though :)

    Ginny: Those are roses from my garden... I love them but we are going to remove them this year for my gardening project... we will see how that ends! I will share pics!

    Suzzete: I am happy you enjoyed the quotes ;) Hopefully we'll see you often here! :)

    My friend muse: Do not worry about following anonymously, I am sorry to hear you are having those issues, I hope it gets all better soon! that is horrible :(

    BJ: You are already a member, I will be sending you a code so you can have your member button, that is the one I give to all the Coffee Friday participants, I don't even know why I didn't send you mine with such beautiful pictures you shared with us! My mistake! Coffee Party? That sounds AWESOME!




Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!