
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Coffee Friday... By Ginny Marie!

Happy Coffee Friday everyone! Thanks for all of your comments! I've been trying to respond to each of them here on my blog so if you've written something I've almost for sure said something about it! I just have some comments pending to answer (the ones from last post). It's been a hectic week, my daughter has an ear infection and it's on antibiotics, please keep her in your prayers as she will have some other tests (for some other issues that might be nothing God willing) done tomorrow.

Now our Coffee Friday pics:

here they are (with the captions by Ginny Marie):


If you still do not know who Ginny Marie   is, you have to stop by her Blog! "Lemon Drop Pie" . And this is what she wants to share with you about it:

"I started Lemon Drop Pie to reach out to young breast cancer survivors like myself, and it has changed to a blog about everything from motherhood to faith to coffee!

Here are a couple of my favorite posts:
Sticky Little Hand Prints
What's in your Mug Today

I hope you enjoy reading my blog! I'm glad that The Coffee Shop is still open!"

Now you know you have to stop by it and say hi to her! She is such a great, optimistic woman! And I enjoy everything she writes and  her comments! The Coffee Shop wouldn't be the same without her, that's for sure!

And now on some additional things I would like to say... well... just like the pictures above, life has its happy moments and its sad ones too. We all have things to face each day, some minor problems, some bigger problems, struggles, fears, challenges, opportunities, sad or upsetting things... But still each day the sun shines above us all and even when we might see it all dark there is always hope.... So do not get discouraged, keep fighting, keep walking and keep improving! Do not throw the towel no matter what! And if you need a friend or someone to just listen (sometimes it's easier to vent with strangers) just come to The Coffee Shop... not for the blog itself but because I will read and if you want me to... I will pray... and if you ask for it I will tell you what I think about it.... or not.... whatever you prefer, just know I am here! It has been really nice for me to know that you are there... you, yes... whoever you are... who reads, who laughs and/or cries with whatever I write and for that I thank you!

So... I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Friday! Enjoy it and Enjoy your weekend!



  1. Lovely picture!! I am sooo glad you decided to stay in the blogger business!

  2. certainly will pray for your little one! and of course i will visit the new blogger :) happy and sad...good visuals...

    and great post for coffee friday, ms paloma you are so kind :)

  3. Thank you for your note of encouragement! We all have our ups and downs, and sometimes it seems like we have more downs than ups.

    AND thank you for featuring me on "Coffee Friday!" It's an honor! :)

  4. Hello Ms Paloma. I will be praying for your little girl.
    Just stopped in for a "fix" today and to say hello.
    I popped over to the new blogger's page too.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  5. great post - I'm a big fan of Ginny Marie

  6. I like the happy cup. Sooooo glad your not going off line!

  7. Great photos! I love the happy cup!!!! Hope your little one is better soon!

  8. I'll be praying for your daughter as well. Ear infections are no fun, for young or old! I found that out in December...ouch and yuk!

  9. Love the pictures!!

    Paloma, you have such a big heart. I'm so glad you decided to keep the coffee shop open.

  10. I like the happy vs sad. Happy Saturday SITS Sharefest :)

  11. Hi Paloma! I missed you. Just found that you posted a comment on SITS. Ive commented on ur few blogs,a few thoughts regarding digicam. I just hope you continue blogging... Have a great day!

  12. Hope your little girl is doing better! :)

  13. I hope your daughter is feeling better soon! I used to get ear infections when I was young and they are definitely no fun at all!!! Poor thing!

  14. Morgan: Thank you! Thank you!!! :) I am happy I stayed too!

    The Muse: Hi my friend! I am glad you enjoyed our Coffee Friday! ;) Thanks for your encouragement and support! Hugs!

    Ginny: Thank you! You are such a strong woman I am so glad you are part of "The Coffee Shop" yes... sometimes there are plenty of "downs" but if we think about it... the "ups" make it all worth it :D

    My "cookie" friend :) Thanks for your prayers and for choosing "The Coffee Shop" for your morning fix LOL! I wanted to tell you I LOVED THE APRON YOU MADE ... It is sooo cute and girly and fresh looking! Just like spring! :) Hugs!

    ArtSnak: I am a big fan of Ginny myself! thanks for stopping by! :)

    Sharlene: Wasn't it cute how she thought of doing a happy and sad version of her cup of coffee? :) I thought it was cool! :D ... Thanks for stopping by!

    Kathleen: Thanks for your comment! I hope my daughter is completely recovered soon too... she looks normal and hopefully the tests will say what it is she has... I will blog about it in a second.

    Lisa: Thanks for your prayers too! I can only imagine how she was feeling with the ear infection ... the weird thing is that I only realized she had one when I took her to the doctor for some fever... she is so strong though! I would've never been able to tell... Now I feel guilty for being upset with her thinking she was acting bratty when she was just probably not feeling well... :(

    Missy: aaww! thanks a lot Missy! you are so sweet! I am happy to see you here... I cannot close "The coffee shop" and stop reading comments like yours :)

    Randa: I enjoy the Saturday Sharefest too much! :) I am glad that brought you here! :)

    Mhel: I've missed you too! I've read your comments in the previous posts and I appreciate them all... I am now usually answering here.... By the way... I just got a new camera, yesterday... I got a Sony Cybershot... It seems to be working just well! .... Oh! and When am I getting to see some coffee pics from you? LOL! Big Hugs!!!

    Mrs Southern Bride: Thanks a lot for your wishes... We will know for sure how everything is probably on Tuesday when we get the results from the lab! I appreciate your concern! :)

    Lambaround: Hi!! I hadn't seen you in "The Coffee Shop" Thanks for stopping by! I love your nickname and your picture! My daughter has a "thing for lambs" .... she loves them... and I sing a song for her about a little goat that prays to Jesus because she wants to have a shepherd and stop being a disobedient goat... she becomes a little lamb and is happy to be taken care of by the good shepherd :) I love it and she does too... she is usually baahing around the house! LOL!

    Love you everyone!



Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!