
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Simple Pleasures / Pequenos gustos

Every night my husband and I have a ritual we try to faithfully adhere to, and that is... just drinking a cup of coffee...

My husband is in charge of coffee in our house... I am the one who cleans, cooks, bakes but... coffee is in his hands! it's his responsibility... and I feel like it's another of his ways to show his love towards me...

While I put our baby in her crib he grinds the coffee beans and then I start hearing the harmonious noises of coffee being brewed, what a wonderful smell floods our house, it's the aroma of perfection, when I perceive it, it means that everything is ok now... it means my man is home, my baby is sleeping and all there is ahead of us is a peaceful experience... it means I will enjoy the best cup of coffee I've ever had... (that's the way I see it everyday!), I will watch a good show on TV and the best of all is that my husband is next to me...

Yes, we drink our coffee at night... when the day is gone and work, diapers, chores and rushes have been left behind...

His coffee is black and mine is with cream and sugar... That is our simple... but awesome pleasure...


Cada noche mi esposo y yo tenemos un ritual que tratamos de llevar a cabo fielmente... y ese es... simplemente tomar una taza de cafe...

Mi esposo esta a cargo del cafe en nuestra casa... Yo soy quien limpia, cocina u hornea, pero... el cafe esta en sus manos! es su responsabilidad... y es otra forma de mostrarme su amor por mi...

Mientras yo pongo a nuestra bebe en su cuna, el muele los granos de cafe y luego comienzo a escuchar los maravillosos sonidos del cafe al hervir, que increible olor inunda mi casa, es el aroma de la perfeccion, cuando percibo ese aroma significa que todo esta bien... representa el saber que mi hombre esta en casa, mi bebe esta dormida y todo lo que esta delante de mi es simplemente una experiencia llena de paz... significa que estoy a punto de disfrutar la mejor taza de cafe que jamas haya tenido (asi es como lo veo cada dia!), disfrutare un buen programa en la television y lo mejor de todo es que mi esposo esta junto a mi...

Si, tomamos nuestro cafe en la noche... cuando el dia se ha ido y el trabajo, los panales, los quehaceres de la casa y las prisas han quedado atras...

El toma el cafe negro, yo con crema y azucar... Ese es nuestro pequeno, pero maravilloso gusto.


  1. love it!!!!!

    aah the wonderful world of coffee!
    I encourage you to research fairtrade.
    They do great things to keep coffee trade ethical.

    i really enjoyed your posts!!
    I am reading them all as i sip my quad shot espresso!
    keep them coming.

  2. Thanks a lot! I am glad you are enjoying this blog! I know how much you love coffee... :)

    I will follow your advice about fairtrade... :)



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