
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

THM Menu One Day at a Time - Wednesday

Featured on Today's Menu "Chicken Pecan Salad"

Hello everybody! This week I've been sharing with you day by day my "typical menus" on THM.

Remember: The Snacks are optional if you don't have "enough hours in your day" to get all these meals in... don't worry... skip 1 or both snacks... Just remember to never let more than 4 hours go without food. You should always wait at least 2 1/2 hours between each feeding (no munching in between! even if you are not switching fuels! Yes.... again... I say it... even if you are NOT switching fuels) Now... if you are switching fuels you should wait AT LEAST the 3 full hours.

This week I am sharing the SAHM eddition... Next week we can work together on a "on the go" menu.

S Breakfast:
  •  Egg Breakfast Tacos: 2-3 scrambled eggs mixed with 2 tbsp. of no added sugar salsa (I use Pace) topped with shredded cheddar cheese. For the tortillas I use low carb whole wheat tortillas. Keep it to 6 grams or less NET carbs (carbs-fiber=net carbs) for low carb store bought products like this one.

E (or FP) Snack: 
  • low fat cottage cheese (2% or less) with fruit of choice: If you use berries this would be an FP, you can use up to 1 cup of most berries, except for blueberries, you have to keep it to 1/2 cup to stay in FP territory. If you use any other fruits this would be an "E", make sure you stay within the 20-45 carb range. (Don't abuse the fruit!)

S Lunch:

S Snack:
  • Celery sticks with peanut butter you can add a couple of slices of deli meat for extra protein.

Dinner: (S)

  • Meatloaf and "Mashed Potatoes": I make my meatloaf by mixing Grassfed Beef (about 2 pounds) with chopped mushrooms, slightly cooked bacon/onions/green bell peppers, season with salt and pepper, add two eggs and a little bit of half and half and ground golden flaxseed instead of breadcrumbs. Cook in the oven at 450 for about 45 minutes. The Mashed Potatoes is just mashed cooked cauliflower with butter/cream cheese/cheddar cheese, salt and garlic powder.

If you still feel like having dessert I would choose something not as heavy... because your dinner was pretty "loaded" ... a couple of dark chocolate squares are always a great choice.

I love using my Ninja Processor for my mashed potatoes... the result is so smooth!!!

Note: This menu that I've put together can NEVER replace the knowledge that comes from reading the book and applying the principles yourself... You will eventually want to be FREE and put together your own food combinations and meals, this is an aid that will allow you to "see" what a THM menu looks like IRL but reading the book is crucial to succeed on the plan. Every good thing is worth the extra work. My tip... is get the book and start reading the chapters about the different types of Settings (S, E, FP, S helpers and Crossovers), start applying every new principle you learn and keep going. I do not charge for sharing my menus and meals, The authors of the book have worked too hard on creating this plan and their own name. Those who use the THM name to sell menus and meal plans are doing so in full knowledge that they are taking advantage of someone else's work. Hopefully they will re-consider and stop. Make sure you do not support those who do so.

 © Paloma K.
Disclaimer: Some links in this post are affiliate links, this means that you pay the same price, but I also receive a very small compensation. I recommend products I have tried and love.


  1. Hi Paloma!
    I recently discovered your blog. Thank you for putting together THM menus. I always run into a mental block when putting menus together and if there are menus included in a book to follow - I find a need to modify - your' menus i've enjoyed just as you have written them.
    Thank you!

    1. Wonderful! I am so excited you find my menus helpful! Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!