
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First day of normalcy

Today was the first day back to my "old routine" ... Hubby went back to work after he spent two weeks at home just off for the holidays... I really missed him... I know! it's just a few hours... but he truly makes my days brighter! I always tell him that when he walks in a room it's like the sun came out just for me!

With my love!
I guess it was harder because I just got a cold, the day was gray and cold and I didn't feel like "facing the day without him" (especially with two little ones that still eat, play, run and need all my attention and energy!) but ... I still made it through the day and I must even say it was a productive one... I enjoyed dancing with my 4 year old and re-starting our homeschooling!

Tomorrow... Tomorrow will be better! I am sure... I am very thankful for the comments I receive on this blog! And I encourage you to keep coming, trying my recipes, sipping a cup of coffee (or whatever you prefer) and just sharing about yourself! I do read all your comments and they mean so much to me, sometimes it takes me a little bit to get back to all of you but I do try!

Don't forget to "mention coffee" in any of your posts of the week so you can link-up with us!... Now that everything is back to normal we're re-starting our "Coffee Friday Party" tradition and we'll have a great featured blogger! You won't want to miss it!

See you around!

© Paloma K.

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