
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Vintage Cakes / Shoo-Fly Cake

Hi everybody! Ready for Thanksgiving? How is everything going? Everybody is healthier here! So that's definitely a reason to be thankful!

As you know...  Today is Tuesday and I share quotes on Tuesdays!  for what I call... Tuned-In Tuesdays!

But... before we go to our quotes, I have to share about the latest cake I've made... As most of you know, I belong to a Secret Baking Club, The Cake Slice, where many fellow bakers and cake lovers vote for a cake each month and we bake it to finally reveal it on the 20th of each month! ... This year we are baking from the Vintage Cakes Book and I am loving it! As soon as I got my book I immediately baked something from it just to see the quality of cake recipes we were dealing with and the cake was lovely... Today... well... today I am sharing the cake that was the winner in our latest poll:

Shoo-Fly Cake

Interesting Name, isn't it? All the cakes from this book are a compilation of "Vintage/Classic/Traditional Cake Recipes" Shoo-Fly Cake is from the early 1900's and it was very, very easy to make. Some of my fellow bakers had some issues when baking it, the crumb sank and/or the cake came out of the pan when baking... I decided to half the recipe and even when my crumb topping wasn't really "Crumbly" and it became part of the cake... it was just moist and delicious! Hubby said this is now one of his favorite cakes, he is a very expressive guy and I know when he doesn't like something or when he is just being "nice" but yesterday he couldn't stop eating and just raving as he ate! It's definitely on top of our Cake List right now, that's how much he loved it! I thought it was delicious as well, but since I don't eat much cake, I couldn't enjoy it as I would've liked!

I must confess I was really "suspicious" of this cake, since I hadn't heard many great things about it... I still made it because I thought I'd give it a chance and make my own decision whether I liked it or not... I am so happy I did! I've never really liked molasses but this cake, is just heavenly! I did not reduce sugar or molasses at all and I am happy I didn't... It just wouldn't have been the same, it's perfectly balanced as it is! (And I am not into very sweet stuff)

The recipe says to eat it warm right from the pan
I still decided to give it a try and flip it, I used shortening (like always) to grease my pans and it just came right out without trouble! It was easy to do this since the crumb topping wasn't really that "crumbly"

Right now I am just sharing pictures, maybe I'll be sharing the recipe soon. For now the pictures will have to do... I am in a real hurry and I still have to squeeze some "related" quotes in before I end the post!

A real Vintage Cake! Molasses, Cinnamon and Ginger make this a very special cake! Perfect to enjoy with some coffee in my vintage cups!

My friends and fellow bakers from "The Cake Slice" will be displaying their cakes too! Check out their blogs to see what they're doing! (Just click on the button below)

The Cake Slice

And Now... Just a few Quotes... talking about time.... old times...

""Old times" Never come back and I suppose it's just as well. What comes back is a new morning everyday in the year, and that's better." - George E. Woodberry

“I love everything that's old, - old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine” - Oliver Goldsmith

"Say you not, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for you do not inquire wisely concerning this." Ecclesiastes 7:10

© Paloma K.

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