
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday of Quotes - Entertaining vs Hospitality!

Hello dear friends! How are you doing? It's been busy here! I've been focusing a lot on my exercise/dieting and just trying to have my priorities in order... I often say God is first, my family is second... but... how does that reflect on my actions? Is it really showing? I think many times it isn't ... and I end up doing it all backwards! I'll continue to blog! I really love it! It's a great way for me to express myself and connect with others! In this time and day when communication seems to be at the reach of everyone and it's just impossible to not be in touch with the world... it seems we're actually losing really contact and face to face relationships... but I won't talk about that for now... I think that's a topic many have already discussed! I guess what I am saying is: Be patient if it takes me a bit to get back to you! You know me by now I hope and know that I love commenting on blogs and replying to your comments and posts! It'll just take me a bit longer, ok?

Now... to my topic of the day... On Tuesdays I usually post Famous or Interesting Quotes... Today won't be an exception... But since I've been talking about Thanksgiving and how to make it enjoyable even for the host/hostess I thought my quotes would be directed to hospitality! Remember... Being hospitable is not the same as being an "Entertainer" ... My friend, and pastor's wife, Gay shared once: "Entertaining! Just the word sounds intimidating! it's a big responsibility to think of keeping others entertained! And makes you feel stressed out" ... Very true! But being hospitable... is out of love, it's warm and caring! It's doing your best out of caring for those that come into your home, sharing what you have with others, in a peaceful environment and atmosphere! I aim for the second! So if you are looking for advice on how to be a good entertainer... you can find that on Martha Stewart's page! She is really great! isn't she? And I don't think there's anything wrong with it... But being Hospitable... now that's something I strive for! I hope others can say about me that they felt welcome in my home, that they felt comfortable and cared for!  I hope they feel like they can take their shoes off because it's like their own home and not because they'll fear ruining my carpet! If you've been reading my previous posts on my "Thanksgiving series" you'll see that I talk a lot about being thankful and attitude... hopefully this Thanksgiving you'll work towards being hospitable and not worry about being the best entertainer... It will take a burden off your shoulders and I am sure EVERYONE, including YOU, will enjoy the holidays that much more!

In Mexico we say "Where one eats, two can eat!"

With my Auntie Amy! Getting ready to start serving!
Great memories from Thanksgiving 2011

Receiving the New Year 2009 with family and friends in Mexico! Hospitality has no language barriers! Look at my gringo there!

So... let's see some quotes on the subject, shall we?

“Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved by the multiples of those with whom it is shared.” - Jesse Browner

 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Peter 4:8-9).”

 "Planning a dinner party in a way that you're actually capable of getting it done without panicking is important. It's bad hospitality for the host to be freaked out." -  Ted Allen
"It is meant to offer an experience of hospitality, just as I believe that God extends to human beings a divine and inexhaustible welcome: the door is always open, the table always set, the arms flung wide, outstretched. " - Jane Redmont in When in Doubt, Sing
 "Do not forget to entertain strangers,. for by so doing some people have. entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2 
Any thoughts of your own that you'd like to share? Please do! Hopefully this post helps you if you've also fallen pray to the "standards of perfection" that we feel we must reach to be an "entertainer" ... relax and be hospitable! do your best, yes... but not Martha Stewart's or Pinterest best! Do everything with love and it'll be ok! 
 © Paloma K.

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