
Friday, August 31, 2012

Enjoy the weather with some Coffee!

So... what does the weather have to do with today's Coffee Party? Well... I have a weather expert with us as our featured blogger! Her name is Stacy Ann and I've just loved meeting her through The SITS Girls, she is a beautiful, hard working mommy, who is balancing her career as a Weather Anchor in NY City and motherhood!

I am looking forward to getting to know her better and I thought this would be a great way for more people to get to know her too! Please make sure you stop by her blog today and say hi and thanks for sharing her coffee with us! Weather Anchor Mama

 And now... I am going to let her share a little bit about herself and her blog:

I’m a full time Weather Anchor.  But, I’m a mama around the clock.  You’ll find me blogging about the many adventures I have with my daughter Princess.  I also chat about career stuff, current events, and my transition journey.  Be sure to stop by and say hi!   

I remember my first coffee experience.  I had been up late studying with friends for finals in high school.  In order to stay awake, someone recommended that we get a caffeine fix.  Back then I drank it for the effects- not the taste.

Fast forward years later and I find myself devouring at least two cups a day at work, and loving every bit of it.  I’ve worked all kinds of hours in the news biz, so coffee has become a means of survival.  I love all kinds of flavored coffee.  French vanilla, hazelnut, caramel are just some of my favs.  With just a drop of half and half, and four packets of raw brown sugar, I'm good to go. 

My work day starts in the afternoon with a cup of coffee

I love that French Vanilla smell.

Ahhhh!  Nothing like that first sip.
 Great pictures! Thanks for sharing with us Stacy! That was so nice! I hope everyone is enjoying their cup of coffee right now... and again, don't forget to pay a visit to our special featured blogger! Weather Anchor Mama

Stacy also wants to leave a question for all of you... our guests and friends that join every Friday with us: What are some of your favorite coffee flavors?

Share with us! And if you don't like coffee... share too! Let us know what you like! ;) And before everybody starts linking up... remember to hop around and check the links of those who visit... that will make for a great party! Hopefully more will continue to join each week!

© Paloma K.

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