
Friday, August 3, 2012

A very fit Coffee Friday Party!

Hello everyone! Welcome to our Coffee Friday Party! I hope you are enjoying a smooth, hot cup of coffee as you prepare to read about our special featured blogger: Dana Moritz from Feeling Fit with Dana ... I think I found her blog back in 2008, when we were both just starting our blogs.... but I just re-connected with her a couple of months ago when I started my "steady blogging" again after a long period of absence! but... this is not about me or my absence... but about her! She is a woman that I admire! committed to being fit and healthy! A great example to follow! Because she is healthy inside and outside! Making sure there's a balance in her life and enjoying every little bit of it, indulging to some luscious food once in a while! I hope her dedication and passion for being fit and for nutritious food continue to inspire me and others!

 Let's hear from Dana:

"Hey everyone!  I am so excited to be featured here at The Coffee Shop!  I'm Dana and I hang out over at                       Feeling Fit With Dana . My blog is about health, fitness, looking our best and I throw in my family life as well!  I'm a book nerd, fitness freak, vegetarian, Nona (grandma) and love life!  
I have a couple of favorite posts and would love to share them with you:

My favorite Coffee Mug
" I just love this mug and I bought it thinking that my hubby wouldn't want to use it, but it is a race into the kitchen each day to see who can nab it first!"

Coffee Shop
 "I just love this place.  It's a wonderful place to meet friends and linger over a cup of our favorite drink!"

Coffee Drink
 "My first blended drink!  Loved it to the last drop!"

Coffee Drink 2
  "One of my favorite ways to enjoy my iced, with a brownie and my hubby!"

Thank you Dana for sharing about yourself, your blog and for such great pictures!

I hope you visit her blog, her favorite posts and just thank her for "sharing some coffee" with us today!

The Coffee Shop

© Paloma K.

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