
Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Monday and a Movie opinion

Good Monday everybody! How was your weekend? I enjoyed my mom and sister's visit from Mexico... they arrived on Wednesday night and left yesterday morning... The days passed tooooo fast! But I was very happy to enjoy them for those days!

I also went to a "Sip and See" party for my friend Sheri and her new baby Johanna! We had a lot of fun  welcoming Johanna and here's a picture of me, Johanna and her mommy, my friend Sheri.

Then... yesterday we were going to watch "Machine Gun Preacher" and even when the name already raised some red flags we heard it was a movie based on a true story and that it was supposed to be inspirational and convicting... so we rented it... but let me just say I highly discourage you to get it... My dad used to say "would you eat garbage and justify you ate it because there was 'something good' in the middle of it?" and that movie has a lot of garbage to probably get something good out of it... we couldn't watch past the 4th minute and I think watching 4 minutes is watching too much! It is not worth it.

To get a good message or be convicted of something we don't need to get our minds filled with obscenity and swearing! ... so... I suggest do not watch it!

Now... after the busy days we had things will go back to some normalcy... Although I am getting involved with more things at church... BUT I will try to do what I always do and comment back on your blogs if you comment here! :) Plus I'll try to visit some extra friends that might not comment as often but they are always on my mind too! :)

Remember to start your week with a positive, thankful attitude! Focus on your blessings, count them and Praise the Source of every good gift! ...

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17

In this crazy hectic life it is good to know that there is SOMEONE that never changes! Everybody and everything can change... but He is the same... the One who Was, who Is and who will always BE!

So... ready to embrace your week? What are your projects for the next few days?

I have some calls to make and things to organize... Laundry to put away and stuff like that...

Let's see... I am getting random here... anything else? mmmm Well... have a good week! I'll get to visiting some blogs and paying some visits back! ... 

© Paloma K.

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