
Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Burrito Short of a Combo???

Good morning everybody! So .... My friend Duane Scott suggested "One burrito Short of a Combo" to be the name for my new blog

What do you think?

These are some of the other options I have right now:

Taste of Mexico
Burritos, Nachos and other myths
Tacos, Mole and Beyond

I don't know... what do you think? Any other ideas are welcome!

I want to have a "glossary" section in my new blog, with Mexican terms, culinary expressions and translations of our "Basic Mexican kitchenware"

I also want to break many of the "myths" of Mexican food.... at least in USA

What do you think? Would you help me name it?




  1. Hmm, I'm going to think about this one and get back to you!

  2. Well, just trying to bring what you want all together, I came up with

    Mexico: Moles, Myths & Perception

    That way you can talk about the cuisine, dispel any myths, and clear up whatever language etc. you want to or share whatever you want from your point of view.
    But, let's see some other ideas!

  3. Thanks Ginny! I am looking forward to hearing about your ideas ;)

    Thanks Sharlene! that's very good... let's see if anybody else wants to give any input on this! ;)

  4. Hola Paloma! Estoy ansiosa de que empiezes tu blog de comida Mexicana. El primer nombre de "One burrito short of a combo" no me gusta mucho, porque suena muy "gringo". Si me lo permites, pienso que el nombre de tu nuevo blog debe reflejar la cocina Mexicana autentica y tu como persona. No es facil. Yo tarde un poco para encontrar un nombre que de verdad me gustara, pero al fin me senti comoda con "La Cocina de Leslie".

    Eso que el nombre que escojas va a ser genial! :)

    Saludos y abrazos desde Mexico!

  5. Estoy de acuerdo contigo Leslie... totalmente de acuerdo... quiero que sea algo que refleje que sera AUTENTICAMENTE MEXICANO aunque quiero que tenga "algo en Ingles" solo para atraer gente Americana, que es quien me interesa que sepa mas de nuestra cocina... que te parece? Alguna idea? :D

  6. Lo unico que he hecho esta tarde es pensar en un possible nombre para tu nuevo blog. "Los Platillos de Paloma" y "Platicando y Cocinando con Paloma" fueron mis primeras ideas. Pero se que quieres algo facil de aprender para todos los que vayan a leer tu blog. Y de repente me acorde de tu otro blog...ya tienes el nombre perfecto "Bread and Tortilla"!

  7. Hmm, I think its good name. Though its a bit long, but its got a funny, witty, message. You can talk about food, coffee, and anything, since its short of a combo..... how are you dearie?! I miss yah!

  8. Haha... :) Of course I like it. It leaves the blog open for whatever content you want.

  9. Thanks Mhel... I've been feeling really bad lately, that's why I've been away from the blog... it's just hard with the nausea and everything, but it's just normal in the 1st. trimester, right? :)

    How are you? It's great to see you here!

    Thanks Duane... of course you like it... LOL! :)

  10. Hmmm...I am not really loving it. It doesn't seem to flow well. But, I have no other suggestions for you. LOL

  11. So dear, does this mean the shut down of the Coffee Friday thing???
    I do want to congrat. you on your up and coming little one... And can understand the stress of one at home one one the way. A blog and a husband... I don't see how you girls can do all that... I'm retired and I have trouble keeping up with my housework and blog... A new name for the blog,,, I had problems coming up with mine... Wish I could help. Take care...
    mike long

  12. Just stopping in to say hi, my friend! It has been a while! Good luck w/ the new blog! Let me know when you are up and running!!!

  13. I like the one burrito short of a combo.. = )

    I can't wait for your new blog. I need some authentic Mexican dishes

  14. That sounds really exciting - I'd love to learn more about authentic Mexican food, so please keep me up-to-date :)

  15. Missy: I think I found another name... I am still thinking about it... I'll reveal it soon ;)

    Michael: Coffee Friday is here to stay, unfortunately I haven't been able to keep up with it lately due to pregnancy hormones and my 20 month old daughter LOL! But, it's coming back! ;)

    Katie! It's so great to see you back! I've missed you... I know you are enjoying your new life after the altar and that makes me so happy for you guys! God bless you!

    Morgan: I'll definitely let you know about the new blog as soon as it's all ready, I can't wait!!!

    Rachel: Thanks for stopping by! I hope my new blog will meet the expectations ;) I will be so happy to see you there ;)


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!