
Thursday, April 8, 2010

My baby is reading!

 Well... she is not exactly reading... but she takes it very seriously when her daddy reads for her!

So, last night hubby was reading the Bible and Natalia (1 1/2 yrs. old) went to sit on his lap... he started reading for her and ... well... you can see how much she was enjoying it here:

I am so proud of them! I had to share this video!

Thanks! and remember we have a giveaway going on! for 4 Starbucks Frappuccinos and 1 Starbucks gift card... just click on the "frappucino picture" on top of my sidebar to know how to enter!



  1. Paloma, that is SOOO ADORABLE! You should send it in to TBN or somewhere.

  2. And, he better NOT leave out a single word, either. Mine always knew if their Daddy left out something. Great picture. Make it a hard copy; don't trust digital entirely.

  3. Herself: Thanks my friend!!! ;) I thought it was adorable too!... but then again, I might be biased! ;)

    Sharlene: Thanks!! Now, I know I can't completely trust digital... so... great reminder!




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