
Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Moment - Starbucks Giveaway!

Monday Moments

Good morning everyone! As I told you before OUR GIVEAWAY Starts Today...

First I am going to have my "Monday Moment" segment (as Starbucks calls it) and it is just a snap of last week.... a picture of a moment of relaxation I had..... and I must say that I actually enjoyed many moments like that! But... I would say here is my best one:

That is my girl ready to kiss me... The day was JUST MARVELOUS! really warm outside, after a cold winter it is really nice to have a day like this! where you can actually enjoy light clothes and a good walk by the lake with your daughter.... I would say that even when the day was busy I probably had some of the best moments of my life! The weather was perfect, having my daughter run around all happy! so happy that she would stop every 5 minutes to give me a kiss! That was just total bliss! A great moment to just relax... away from my routine, chores, laundry and even TV!

Now... The GIVEAWAY...

4 Starbucks Light Frapp - it comes with 2 Vanilla and 2 Mocha
$10.00 Starbucks gift-card.


You might be wondering how you can win this.... And it is VERY VERY SIMPLE! just follow "The Coffee Shop" and make a comment on any of the 2 "Monday Moment" segments -beginning TODAY and next Monday too-, (like the one above). By commenting, you will be automatically entered to our Starbucks give-away. The name of the winner, which will be drawn randomly after the last Monday Moment post wrap-up will receive the 4 Frapps and the gift-card and will be announced here on "The Coffee Shop"


I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! I really did! I will share more about it tomorrow!

Note: I received 4 Frappuccinos and a $10.00 USD Starbucks Gift-card as an incentive to host this giveaway.


  1. There's nothing better then kisses!

    I love spending time outside! It's a great way to relax!

    Glad you had a wonderful Easter...looking forward to reading about it!

  2. I'm a follower and I would LOVE a Starbucks gift card! :)


  3. I like to spend my moment nibbling chocolate with my coffee.

  4. yeahy! this is awesome - thanks for the chance - I like today's moment where I got to walk to work on this gorgeous day with my ipod playing my favorite tunes


  5. One of my favorite "moments" is when one of my kids come to me and say I am the best mommy in the whole wide world. Then I feel like maybe I did something right. :-)

  6. I'm a follower.

    My Monday Moment is the early dawn with my morning coffee on hand.

    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  7. What a precious picture! There's nothing like a kiss from your child to totally wash away everything else in the world.

  8. I had a day just like that on Friday:)We are two lucky mamas!

  9. Your little girl is gorgeous! I love kissy photos!

    Found you on SITS...following you now!

  10. My favorite moment this last week was during the Good Friday service at church during communion. That time with God was so precious.

  11. I am a follower and would love to win your giveaway.

  12. Hi there! Found you from SITS. I'm a new follower.

    We were able to spend some great days outside last week BUT today it's raining...and I've allowed the boys to "do whatever as long as it's not naughty!" and we're staying IN.
    I'm blogging and drinking coffee...yum
    Have a great day.

  13. im entering!!!

  14. Stopping by from SITS...what a fun blog! I'm following :) Looks like such a great day - and the kite store is awesome! Have a great day!

  15. I'm coming by from SITS today too. I'm a new follower and I LOVE coffee! Especially Starbucks. OK, I sort of hate to confess this, but I've gotten really hooked on McDonald's coffee, frappes, iced lattes, and hot lattes because they are such a better price than Starbucks! Is that bad? I hope you'll enter me in the drawing.


  16. kisses are awesome. add in some kites, and bam. what a great pic!

    stopping by from sits!

  17. Stopping by from SITS!

    What a great picture!

  18. Love taking my son to the park and watching him just live and play in the moment. Thanks for the chance. Follower as well. bekki1820cb at gmail

  19. Okay. I'll enter. Then I'll let my daughter enjoy the frappes whilst I have a regular coffee!

  20. I am unable to have my own children so I have Auntie Moments. My sister has three little ones under the age of 5 (all boys). The youngest is 15 months old and a few times in the last week I have had him for a good portion of the day. The smile he gives is just one that will melt your heart.
    Yesterday while enjoying the warmer weather we sat outside and had a "picnic" lunch. He loved being able to see the birds, the trucks and the ants. Of course the food was a huge attraction to him though. He is all about food.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  21. wow paloma look at the traffic on here! awesome and love reading your blog


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!