
Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Moment - Starbucks Giveaway wrap-up

Good morning everyone! What a beautiful day! It is Monday, how are you starting your week? Remember that attitude is very important! you can have a good or bad week if you want to, it's usually up to us!

There is something that Charles Swindoll from Insight for Living said, and I really agree with it so I thought I would share it with all of you:

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes."

I hope you reflect on that and decide to have a great week and help someone else do the same too!

Now... about our giveaway! It ends today... So... You still have the opportunity to be part of it! The winner will be chosen tomorrow and published here on Wednesday! If you remember, our giveaway consists of:


4 Starbucks Light Frapp - it comes with 2 Vanilla and 2 Mocha
$10.00 Starbucks gift-card.

And to enter you just need to make sure you made a comment last Monday (in our Monday Moments Post) or make a comment HERE in this very Monday moment post!

Here is a picture of my "Moment of Relaxation" last week.... This picture shows my daughter, who was really good and let mommy take a quick shower.... By the time I came out of the shower I found her just like this... (I took her to her crib right away of course)

So, there it is.... now you can be part of this Monday Moment and share with us about a moment of relaxation you had during last week, or just comment about mine, or just say hi... anything! your comment will be your ticket to enter our giveaway! And do not forget to publicly follow "The Coffee shop"

Have a wonderful attitude day!

Note: I received 4 Frappuccinos and a $10.00 USD Starbucks Gift-card as an incentive to host this giveaway.


  1. That is the cutest picture!

    I was able to do some gardening on Saturday, and that's relaxing for me!

  2. Hmm, I haven't had many moments of relaxation, because my husband was out of town for the week. However, my happy thought is that he's coming back this afternoon...and, I'll get a break! I will probably look like your daughter - just fall asleep on the mess that is our house. :P


  3. That is soooo true. There's nothing more draining than being around a negative person. Nine times out of ten it's nothing more than a bad habit. It's important to limit your time around these folks, if they're relatives or super close friends -- better to just cull them out of your life, if they keep dragging you down.
    So glad you kept up with the blog!

  4. I love gardening Ginny! Sounds like you had fun!

    My bookworm friend: :) I hope you can enjoy your break! Believe it or not I had just organized her playpen (we were basically using it to "contain" her toys) LOL! But I cleaned it, washed the toys, put many of the toys away and just put all those books in a plastic box along with a few (about 4) of her favorite toys.... of course she managed to get it all messy and fall asleep on top of it! LOL! I felt like a bad mom for a second but I really needed that shower! he he....

  5. Thanks Sharlene! (it seems I posted my previous comment right when you posted yours) .... I agree with you! We need to stay positive!

    Big Hugs!!!

  6. Lately I've made a point to snuggle with my girls just a little bit longer (if they're willing!) and this helps me to relax!

    Happy Monday and your little one is adorable!

  7. Happy Monday! I am trying to find my "zen" place this morning. I need to focus on some "me" time, because in the end, taking an hour for myself helps EVERYONE in my household! LOL! Great giveaway!

  8. Thanks Steph! Nothing like those good snuggles! :) It's one of the best things of life!

  9. Thanks Kellene! I hope you find the place and moment you are looking for! Thanks for stopping by our Coffee Shop! I am glad you like the giveaway! :)

  10. The kids, hubs and I went for a nice walk Saturday morning/afternoon. It was a neat little walking/bike trail. The little guys walked their legs off hehe Though daddy wore Warrior in the wrap for a bit and I packed Boo a few minutes at the end, piggy back. They all had a blast. It was nice to just get out and enjoy His creation :)
    Then we came home and cleaned out the garage, which, honestly, was rather relaxing as well. The result definitely was *sigh of relief* :)

    Have a good one P!!


  11. WOW Tara! That sounds like a really great time you had with your family! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

    Love you girl!


  12. - The giveaway is now closed! - Thanks everyone for entering!! :) I will be announcing the winner tomorrow morning!!!


  13. Love that picture in the pack and play! Stopping by from SITS.


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!