
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feeling like spring....

Hello my dear friends! I hope you are relaxed, sitting in front of your computer, hopefully drinking a cup of coffee and ready to enjoy YOUR time.... I am glad you chose this blog as one of your favorite spots to visit! Make yourself comfortable and just forget about everything else....

Let's talk about spring today.... I just got my newest issue of the LIVING magazine (which I love) and it's great to start reading about gardening and all those beautiful SPRING topics! (By the way, is it just me or the magazine is getting thinner and thinner and with more ads in it? .... Just wondering!) What are the plans for your garden this year? Any special or new projects in mind? Hubby and I are thinking about getting rid of a planter we have with rose bushes.... the roses aren't that beautiful anymore (those bushes were here before he bought the house about 5 yrs. ago) and we feel it would be a great spot for a small vegetable garden. I would love to have tons of flowers in the front of the house... I'd like to start a perennial garden too! Annuals are adorable and usually more colorful but there is a Flower Farm where my mother-in-law used to work and they have a great selection of flowers and I've seen some that would be great for us...

I am hoping to have a beautiful garden this year... and I plan on using coffee grounds as fertilizer (and to keep bugs and plant diseases away) ... did you know you could use coffee for your garden? Yes you can, you can find tons of articles on the web about it... and here is a previous post I wrote about it last year: click here

Here is a picture of the area we want to transform into a beautiful and fruitful vegetable garden: (Picture taken last summer)

(As you can see there is the side area which we've previous used to plant some vegetables, but the space is too reduced)

We already got rid of all these - including the ones on the side (there is always one or two tulips trying to come back) here is where I want to plant MANY MANY flowers

It's going to be fun!!! And coffee will be there to help us!!! I hope I will have pictures of the finished project soon!

Whatever your plans are just remember to use coffee!


  1. I wish I had a garden! Can't wait to hear how the coffee grounds work!

  2. We're planning on putting in some raised vegetable beds this year... I only do gardening if it results in food! ;)

  3. I use coffee grounds in my garden, too. I also water my houseplants with cold coffee if I don't finish drinking it. (That is very rare!)

  4. Oh, Paloma! We're still under a foot of snow with more to come tonight! Hurry spring!

  5. You're so lucky!! We can't have gardens where we live and that stinks!! Perhaps in Italy I'll have one.........fingers crossed!!!

  6. That's funny you mention using coffee grounds as fertilizer. It brought back a memory of when I worked at a bank. There was this plant there beside my desk and every couple of days I would pour my cold left over into it and that thing was so beautiful and huge. Coffee definately works.

  7. If you want a really easy time for creating your vegetable gardens, check out my two recent blogs on postage stamp and lasagna gardening. It'll save you hours of back-breaking work. Love your blog.

  8. We are so ready for Spring and gardening. Bracing for a few feet of snow this weekend which really makes getting to StarBucks a huge issue for Hiss.

  9. I cannot keep things alive to save my life. I try every year though. Siigh. :)

    Stopping by from SITS!

  10. With all the snow outside I have a tough time to imagine a beautiful green garden. But your pics made me want spring to come sooner!

  11. Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?


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