
Friday, February 26, 2010

Coffee Friday... from "Sweet Nothings"

Happy Coffee Friday dear friends! Thanks for choosing "The Coffee Shop" one more time as your place to enjoy a good Friday! the place to end your week and just have a good time!

Today's pictures are from my new friend BJ, she is a Christian woman, I can see she is wonderful person and I love her blog Sweet Nothings, you have to visit it, I know you will want to after you see the beautiful pictures she let me use from her blog for our Coffee Friday!

So... here are the pictures:


Aren't these pictures great? This last picture has a caption that I want to include (from her blog)

"After I finished this post, I remembered this little antique coffee grinder that belonged to my mama..SHE didn't use it...bought her ground coffee from the market. She probably got this at a sale somewhere. She loved THRIFTING, too...and SHE taught ME well !" - BJ

So... I hope you enjoyed this Coffee Friday... Please send your pictures for future Coffee Fridays... share a cup of coffee with us.


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my blog and photos. We need to get your blog "out there" so others can enjoy all the coffee pictures and your blog. I will add something on my sidebar, stating that I was featured on your blog...maybe that will get more people over. Also, have you thought about making it a meme with a Mr. Linky for others to link up with you?
    ANYway...thanks so much.
    xo bj

  2. Thanks BJ... It's actually my fault because I haven't been as active lately (especially commenting on other blogs) But I'll be back stronger than I was :)

    Thanks for adding something in your blog about it!


  3. I lurve me a good cup of coffee and a blog about coffee-well it's wonderful! I found you at SITS. I will be back!

  4. Those are great pictures! I love love LOVE the one with the fireplace in the background!

    Ya, for coffee friday! I am literally sitting here reading with my coffee in hand.

  5. Such nice pictures. I enjoy reading her blog too. Glad that I didn't miss this weeks Coffee Friday. I'm off to make a Birthday cake for my FIL. He is 70 this weekend.

  6. i linked to this post ! :)
    over at mysterymeatloaf.blogspot
    yes indeed we love ms BJ !!!

  7. Fantastic photos! I like the fireplace one, too! Thanks for sharing.

  8. That coffee grinder is a treasure! What neat pictures for a Friday afternoon!

  9. Beautiful photos...especially the antique coffee grinder.

    Thank you for the wonderfully supportive comment on my blog a couple days ago. :-)

  10. Wow, this is the site for me! I love coffee! I too found you at SITS but I will be back.

  11. Hey lady! I'll have to remember this (and clean before taking a picture :) ). Because right now my cup of coffee is perched between the puffy paint and the sippy cup! :)

    As a side note - I'm not sure what has changed but for the past week+ your blog kept shutting down my internet. I couldn't read or comment on it before it would shut everything down. Not sure what changed but I'm glad to be able to visit again!

  12. Morning P! Lovely pics! Thanks for sharing your coffee friend with us!

  13. Thanks everyone! I love your comments! I love them even more than I love coffee!

    Tiff: I have no idea what it was.... Nobody else has ever mentioned having any problem.... I am sorry this happened but I am happy everything is working fine now!


  14. oh my gosh. I love those dishes..and I love coffee...of course!!!

  15. Swwweeeet Pictures!!!

  16. wow! I love those pictures. sooo homey and rustic. It really portrays how drinking a cup of coffee should be. laid back and enjoying the simple life, having a nice and fruitful chitchat with a relative or friend. this is just so wonderful! Applause!!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!