
Friday, February 19, 2010

Coffee Friday.... by a beautiful "Cookie Girl"

Good Friday my beautiful readers, followers, friends and coffee lovers! Today's picture for our 3rd. Coffee Friday was sent by my friend "The Cookie Girl" ... even her blogging name goes great with coffee, doesn't it?

She has been a great support for "The Coffee Shop" I love her comments here and I love her blog where she shares great recipes of the most heavenly looking sweets! She is passionate about baking and you can tell she has such a sweet spirit too! (I just love the most recent pictures she shared of a sweet little ballerina) I am already saying too much.... you have to go visit her blog: Cookie Girl Creations.

So, here is the picture she sent for Coffee Friday...

And about the picture she shares: "I took a picture just for you today. We were braving the snow and got to eat some lunch so I took a picture at there. Can you guess where I am at?"

So... can you guess where she is at?

Thanks everyone for being part of Coffee Friday! Please... when you drink a cup of coffee... do not forget to take a picture so you can share it with us... It will be like enjoying a cup of coffee together... it doesn't have to be super fancy or professional.... just share some coffee love with us!

Enjoy your Friday!


  1. Happy Coffee Friday!

  2. Is Cookie Girl at Cracker Barrel? What a fun picture...and I can't resist the name of her blog, either, so you know whose blog I'll be reading next!

    Happy Friday!

  3. I love the photo, just wish I loved coffee! I love the smell of it, just don't like the taste, so I'll have my tea while you have your coffee! Stopping by from SITS!

  4. I have an award for you, come over and pick it up.

  5. This is the first day I have found your Coffee Friday...I LOVE IT and will play along soon. I love coffee and all that goes with it.
    In fact, I have a coffee post coming up for this coming Monday
    (22nd) so I will link it to your NEXT Coffee Friday (26th) if that is ok.
    I think Cracker Barrel is the place where Cookie Girl drank her coffee...:O)
    Come by on Monday to see the coffee post, if you have time...
    xo bj
    OH..and I am linking to follow and taking your button to live in my sidebar....:)

  6. What a great picture. My guess is Dennys?

  7. Thank you everyone for your comments and your support to "The Coffee Shop" and of course to "Coffee Friday"

    Yes... It is Cracker Barrel where this picture was taken!!!



  8. happy day!
    brrr. i need a good cup of coffee with friends! tis is just the place!

  9. No idea where she is, but know where I wish she were: at my house! Could really use some coffee at the moment. Stopped by from SITS. Happy Saturday Sharefest:)

  10. Just me again to say that I am linking to your Coffee Friday on my Monday post (goes up tomorrow evening)... and I need to send you a photo. I can't decide which you would like best so would you kindly come by tomorrow evening and just take one of the photos over to your blog?;)
    Thanks, dear one..
    xo bj

  11. oops...meant to add to be sure and not take the FIRST belongs to someone else and i just used it as my inspiration..The rest of the photos are mine, tho.


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!