
Friday, January 1, 2010

New Day! New Year! New Mercies!

Happy 2010 everyone! It is so exciting to start a New Year! It is a new opportunity to be kinder to others, to be more content and grateful, to be better! I am just so thankful with God for all of His blessings, for allowing me to see a New Year with good health and knowing that my family in Mexico is blessed too! to be here with my husband and my daughter who love me and I love... Thank you Lord!

My husband and I made a "balance of the year" (while drinking coffee of course) some nights ago... we thought of the things that happened during 2009, those good and probably not so good events and we know that even in the moments that we could have thought that we were in trouble it was all for a purpose, for God's glory! and what we got out of that balance is that we are basically thankful for salvation (always), for our daughter, our family, friends, our house, his job. God's been so GOOD to us! and we hope we can serve Him better on 2010!

I haven't really made a list of goals for 2010... but I guess I know exactly what I should do... so I am going to write it anyway...

  • Be consistent reading His word and spending time with HIM.

  • See my family in Mexico... I have to see them! I miss them so much! (but this is something that God will have to do for me.... only He can!)

  • Be consistent in the GYM.

  • Learn how to make all of the different types of bread my dad bakes!

  • Eat fruit (I usually don't!)

I guess I could have a longer list but why would I? This already gives me enough to work on!

Of course I have goals for this blog too... like new topics to discuss, start giveaways (that I am already working on) and some other projects and ideas I have in mind! Right now I am just thrilled I found SITS and how great the ladies (and their blogs) are!

I just wanted to share with you... a little bit about my plans for 2010! and again... wish you all a Happy New Year!

Note: For more post like this you can also visit:

Making Lemonade Blog posted by: Carrie (from SITS)


  1. Looks like you have some very good resolutions there. Your first one is a very important one, but not one many of us think about when we're making resolutions! Thanks for reminding me that I am also lacking in that area and need to improve my relationship with God. Good luck to you in 2010!

    (Found you on SITS)

  2. I've only got 2 resolutions this rest and to relax. Have a fabulous 2010~SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!

    Listen, She's Not a Kid Anymore

  3. Congratulations on your new resolutions! I had a great 2009 and there is not a whole lot more I could ask for. Happy SITS Sharefest!

  4. Would you consider linking this to my New Year's Resolutions linky? It fits so well!

    Stopping by from SITS!

  5. Stopping by from SITS! Love to see other Christian bloggers! Great to see others living for HIS glory! Awesome! All the best!

  6. Thanks for visiting mine, too! I'll be following you as well! :)

  7. Thanks for putting up a link! My main goal is for my readers to find your blog, so hopefully you'll get some visits from my readers! ;-)


Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!