
Thursday, January 28, 2010

My haunted kitchen...

Yes... weird things happen in my kitchen... things appear all the time... those things that seem to have life of their own... coming out of nowhere.... crawling up my table, my sink and my counter.... those things I've been fighting against and make me tired... it seems they'll never leave... no matter what I do to defeat them.... No matter how much I fight... when I get rid of one two more come and take its place.... They terrify me, annoy me and make me upset... I wish they would disappear forever............ if you are a housewife and your kitchen is haunted too you will know what I am talking about... I even took a picture of "them" .... those horrible enemies I face everyday....  here they are........


Where do they come from??? When I feel I am done there is another pile..... I just drink out of one glass and rinse it and leave it to use it again! But  there are always more dishes to wash!

I do not have a dishwasher and it's fine... I actually prefer to wash them completely by hand... but... I wish the sink could stay empty for at least the whole afternoon............. Am I asking too much???

By the way... do not take me wrong... there are times I enjoy washing dishes... you know, the smell of the soap, the foam, the sound of the water and the feeling of accomplishment once they are all done... but the problem is that after I am done... they are all dirty again... it seems there is nothing else I can do during a day... Am I "attached" to the sink forever???


  1. I feel ya! I don't have kids yet either...I amsure it will get worse! Stopping by from SITS!

  2. yes... it certainly gets worse! ... all those bottles and then sippy cups... but especially because with a kid (or more) you always need all the time you can get and dishes will not let you have it!

    Thanks for stopping by April! I hope I can see you here more often! :)


  3. Sometimes a task can prove a moment in life to dream..I like mowing grass...!

    You can have my dishes....LOL

  4. Oh, the dishes! I totally can relate! lol! Never ends! Thank you so much for that verse! That was just amazing that you had it on your heart to send me that. So awesome. I'll treasure that! Many blessings to you!!

  5. Haha! I know exactly how you feel! Even though it's just the two of us, it's scary how much a certain other person in the apartment (*cough* MY HUSBAND *cough*) can make dirty in one day! Geez...

  6. I totally understand how you feel! I don't have a dishwasher either (unless you would count my 3-year-old son...) Dishes drive me crazy! There is always something that needs washing!

    Great post! Stopping by from SITS!

  7. hate hate hate dishes...

    i agree, with kids it's even worse... we have limited cabinet space, so really my washing is limied by the amount of plastic sippys and plates, as well as our regular dishes, that we are able to put away! craziness...

    p.s. loved your comment on working out on my blog!! i knew exactly what you meant! the gym is a funny place, really... that's why i subscribe to the 'party in my head' ... it just makes it more fun!! hee hee

  8. I absolutely know how you feel. Sometimes, I walk in the kitchen and it appears that they've multiplied.

    Stopping by from SITS

  9. Totally know how you feel!

    Stopping by from SITS!

  10. There are moments when I love washing the dishes but they sure don't happen enough with my kitchen as a witness!

  11. I feel the same way...about laundry, lol!!! Hugs!

  12. Yes, you will. 'Tis the joy of marital bliss. I normally love doing dishes by hand. A great time to contemplate. But, they sure do multiply! And, I'm by myself. Thanks for sharing.

  13. It never ends. I run the dishwasher at least once a day, sometimes more, and handwash a sinkful of dishes every other day.

  14. mi voz en español no es excelente, pero yo trato muy duro. las palabras son música.

  15. I know what you mean! There are only two of us in my house, so I have no idea how we manage to generate so much washing up.

    The other thing which haunts my house is the sock-eating monster. Which, recently, seems to have developed a taste for bigger items of clothing (like jumpers) as well!

    Visiting from SITS, hope you have a nice weekend :)

  16. I got your comment on my blog and I had to laugh about the limes. I like limes, too... the funny part is I LOVE lemons the way you love limes. Since I'm Greek, my hubby makes fun of me for that-- I guess the lemons are a Greek thing? And limes are a Mexican thing, as you said? Either way, you and I both have a passion for citrus, that's for sure!

  17. Love it. Even with a dishwasher I'm attached to the sink. In fact, I'm attached to a sink and the dishwasher. I don't know which is worse. Great blog post!

  18. you always need all the time you can get and dishes will not let you have it!

    Work from home India

  19. I completely feel you.. Imagine me, though without kids yet, my kitchen is always in a complete mess. Well yeah, most especially when I am baking, a total mess, here, there, and everywhere. Sometimes I blame myself, for being always on the go in the kitchen. Like a kid, I always end up cleaning all my mess after playing.... U

  20. Thanks everyone! It's good to know I am not alone in this battle! ;)

    I appreciate all the wonderful comments! You are all great! :)



Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!