
Monday, December 28, 2009

Coffee and Laundry

Yesterday we went to church... I honestly couldn't pay attention to the sermon because I had to deal with my girl who wanted to be walking around and I kept trying to make her stay in the pew! =sigh= so... at the end of the service I felt exhausted, I didn't feel like doing anything, I had so much laundry to fold and a bunch of other things to do, my baby finally went to bed at 8 and hubby and I could relax and watch a movie... We watched "Australia" with Nicole Kidman an Hugh Jackman, Great MOVIE! If you haven't watched it make sure you do! I still had to face the folding of the laundry but to make it all better I had a cup of coffee while doing it! Its "healing powers" restored and me and made me feel better and enjoy the rest of the evening.... As I write right now I feel I should have a good hot cup of coffee because I need some energy to clean this house up. After Christmas, family gatherings, etc... my house shows I haven't been on top of the game! and even the folded laundry is looking at me from the living room saying "Put me away! Put me away!" so I'd better get going! Thank God for coffee that helps us face the day!


  1. Welcome to SITS. You will find lots of terrific bloggers and a very supportive community. Thanks for passing on the chocolate/carmel cake recipe. yummm

  2. That sounds like an absolutely perfect way to spend your evening. My husband has suggested (read: forbidden) me to have coffee at night due to my last stayed up till 6 a.m. doing nothing but listening to Queen on youtube due to coffee at 7 pm binge.... but i miss it... :o)

    My best, Lynn
    *swing by my neck of the woods, I'm hosting a mega giveaway all week. All natural products.

  3. I think my laundry's being crying out as well. Oh well, it's the season give yourself another few days and enjoy a long coffee break.


  4. Hey there, stopping by from SITS! I stopped listening to my laundry a looong time ago... but maybe that's because I don't really drink coffee. I can't really take too much at a time, so when I have to, I'll make hot chocolate with a shot of coffee and some hazelnut creamer. Now that's good coffee. :D

  5. coffee at 8pm...are you crazy? :) the other night we went out to dinner and I had a cup of "after-dinner" coffee and paid for it all night long. At 3 am i was still wide awake! arghh.
    i wish they would make a perfume that smells like coffee..because I love the way it smells.
    thanks for stopping by my blog..much appreciated!

  6. OK so I switched to decaf this year which some might argue kills the effect of a cup of coffee, but truthfully even without the caffeine there is something motivating about a nice hot cup of coffee(or in my case, latte) in your hand.

    God almighty, laundry. Enough said.

    Stopping by from SITs.


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