
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas cookies!!!

I know I haven't been on my blog as much this year, you (whoever you are) must understand that life's been busy here, child, husband, house, etc.... but I am trying to end the year better and as one of my resolutions for 2010 I have included "consistency" with my blog...

Now, let's get to the point... Coffee... and what can go better than coffee than cookies? (Chocolate probably) but right now I am going to speak about the probably 2nd. best thing to go with it, COOKIES! My friend and I decided to bake Christmas cookies together, knowing it could be a huge task since she has a baby and I have my "almost toddler" too, but surprisingly everything went fantastic, our kids behaved better than we could have expected and we had a real great time mixing, melting and baking! The results were amazing and we each kept half of all the cookies, there was not even one burnt cookie! so nothing went to waste!

We each made two batches of two different types of cookies

I made:

- Chocolate chocolate chip cookies (Have I mentioned I love chocolate?)
- No bake Chocolate haystacks

She made:

- Peanut butter blossoms
- No bake butterscotch/crispix cookies

If you want the recipes for making these cookies just e-mail me at: and I'll be glad to share them with you.

Of course my dear hubby and I have been enjoying one or two (or three or four) of the cookies every night with our traditional cup of coffee.... I enjoy every second of it! Today I am planning on baking some gingerbread men!! I hope it goes well...

Here are some pics so you can be part of our baking! :) Enjoy!

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