
Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome to The Coffee Shop

Make yourself at home... Grab a cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate or whatever you enjoy the most! This blog will be like your favorite Coffee Shop, where you can talk about anything in the company of great friends! and where you can also enjoy a delicious dessert! Why not?

We'll share recipes, anecdotes, experiences and even talk about movies or books!

We will also learn more about coffee, its history, traditions in other countries and how coffee brings people together!

If you love coffee (and even if you don't)... but if you want to have a good time you are in the right place!

If you would like to have your pictures (or recipes) shared on our blog... please just send them to:

Don't get disconnected, if you are a blogger too just follow us.... and/or add us to your "reading" list, we will have news, pictures, and even giveaways soon....




Bienvenido al Blog "The Coffee Shop"

Este Blog sera como tu cafeteria favorita, donde puedes hablar de lo que sea mientras disfrutas una deliciosa taza de cafe o comes tu postre preferido!

Compartiremos recetas, anecdotas, experiencias y hablaremos tambien de libros y peliculas!

Tambien aprenderemos mas sobre el cafe, su historia, tradiciones en otros paises y como el cafe une a la gente!

Si amas el cafe... estas en el lugar correcto! No estas solo!

Si te gustaria que publicaramos tus fotos (o recetas) en nuestro blog por favor envialas a:

No te desconectes, si tambien eres un blogger solo siguenos o agreganos a tu lista de favoritos, tendremos noticias, fotografias y hasta concursos y regalos pronto.



1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! It encourages me to keep cooking and writing for you!