
Monday, October 31, 2011

Cold Monday!

Good morning everybody! I hear it is cold in many different places already and here in Texas our mornings have been a little cold too! Right now we are 49F (I know that's not even cold for some people! LOL!) but anyways! I just want to start the week with a Happy Thankful thought! Just like I am trying to do every morning! And praise God for something! And today I just want to praise Him for His creation! Thank God for seasons, changes and for chilly mornings! You, whoever you are, if you are reading this post it means that you have a computer and that makes me assume you have shelter, so I guess we both have something to be thankful for! Don't you think?

And for hot coffee... to make those chilly mornings even more enjoyable!

so... how do you want to start your week? In spite of the circumstances we all have a choice! What are you choosing today?

Go ahead! grab a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or something cold if you want or if you are reading from a place where it is warm right now... and choose a good attitude! Trust me... not only YOU will have a better week but also those around you! Our mood is contagious... what are you spreading?

© Paloma King

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sweet Thursday Link Up and Molten Chocolate Cakes

Hello everybody! It is Sweet Thursday again! Last week flew! And I am happy to share a new recipe with you! If you don't know yet what Sweet Thursday is just click here. I hope you join us today and every Thursday and link up with us! You just need to post about some dessert and share your link with us! Hopefully we have more people with each passing week and we can all show off our desserts!

Here is my recipe:
Molten Chocolate Cakes: (Makes 5)

( I first tried these at a friend's house -Jessica- they were awesome, she uses ceramic ramekins though so they were a little bigger)

  • 1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 6 Tablespoons flour

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease 5 of the cups of a standard muffin pan. Microwave the chocolate and butter in large microwavable bowl on high for 1 minute or until butter is completely melted (that's easier but I usually melt the chocolate and butter in a double boiler, so you can do that if you prefer to). Stir with wire whisk until chocolate is completely melted. Stir in sugar until well blended (let the mixture cool for about 2 mins). Whisk in eggs and egg yolks. Stir in flour. Divide batter among the muffin cups (fill them all the way up). Bake 9 to 10 minutes or until sides and top are firm (you will see the top starting to show little cracks) and centers should still be "runny". Let stand 1 minute. Carefully run knife around cakes to loosen. Carefully invert cakes. Serve immediately.
Note: You can top the cakes with whipped topping. I just dust them with powdered sugar... you can also take about 1 cup of frozen berries, add a tablespoon or 2 of sugar and simmer them for about 10 minutes. Then use that to top the cakes.

© Paloma King

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday of Quotes, Jokes and Interesting Coffee Facts

Good morning! I hope you are having a good week... Did you already have your first cup of coffee? Well... here I have some quotes and facts that you might find interesting... so you can read while enjoying your first/second or third? cup!

Forever:  Time it takes to brew the first pot of coffee in the morning.
-Author Unknown

Decaffeinated coffee, like taking paracetamol for the taste

And now some Coffee News 

Drinking Coffee could help reduce the risk of skin cancer
October 25, 2011 - Fox News

Drinking copious amounts of coffee may reduce the risk of the most common type of skin cancer, a new study finds.
Women in the study who drank more than three cups of coffee a day were 20 percent less likely to develop basal cell carcinoma, a slow-growing form of skin cancer, than those who drank less than one cup a month.
Men in the study who consumed more than three cups of coffee had a 9 percent reduction in their basal cell carcinoma risk... If you want to read more please visit:

So.... keep enjoying your coffee!

 © Paloma

Monday, October 24, 2011

Great Monday!

 Hello everybody! Ready with your cup of coffee? Ready for a new week?? I know I am... I have a new day to enjoy! New mercy! A new week beginning! A great brand new opportunity to do things better, to love more, to work harder, to praise! ... How is your attitude this Monday? Don't start the week with complaints! Usually we set the pace for how things go for us! If you are going through some problem (because I understand bad things happen) don't isolate yourself... Seek for help... Go out with friends, talk to someone and don't dwell on the past, mistakes or on those things that cause you pain... I am not talking here about "positivism" or "good vibes" I am just saying that there is always something to be thankful for... I am sorry if you are going through hard times! If you are... let us know and we can talk with you... and even pray for you! And if you are not ... then don't "look for the little bad things" in everything! Just give thanks for how blessed you are! Sometimes our own selfishness makes us unhappy! We are so focused on ourselves that we become grumpy, dissatisfied! If we were busy helping someone else not only we would appreciate more what we have and be thankful for it but we would also get the satisfaction of having been there for someone in need... I just want us all to hopefully start our week as good as we possibly can! If you are having a hard time in your job... focus on the fact that you have a job when many people don't.... if you are a mom who is tired with the routine of always cleaning after your kids... just focus on the fact that you HAVE your kids with you! And praise God for it! Praise God for the mess! :) ... I've heard those years fly by! And I as I type I am also saying it to myself! Anyway... ready to start the week? Once again, like last time... I invite you to share something (or things) that you are thankful for today... even simple things:

For me today is:
- For a great weekend with the family (we went to an arboretum and got to see BEAUTIFUL things!)- just look at this:
 - Ok... now something else I am thankful for...  I forgot to thaw my meat for lunch yesterday and I knew we would be all starving after the church service and when we got to our apartment the club house had FREE pizza (LOL!) so... no cooking, no cleaning! YAY!
- And last but NOT least for awesome long talks with my hubby!

There is so much more... but I would never end!

What are YOU thankful for today? even if it is a cup of coffee... why not thank for it?

© Paloma

Friday, October 21, 2011

Coffee Friday!

WElcome to "The Coffee Shop" whether it is your first time with us or not I want you to feel Welcomed in this virtual Coffee Shop! Our goal is for you to feel like you would among friends in your favorite Coffee Place.... of if you want to be on your own then that's ok... You can just read and relax... Find good atmosphere and why not? Great things to eat (we have wonderful recipes here) while you enjoy a cup of coffee! Not a cook? Then enjoy our Tuesdays of Jokes, Quotes and Facts about coffee... And if coffee is all you are looking for then you are in the right place! Today is "Coffee Friday" and we basically "serve your coffee" ... We share pictures of our cups of coffee with you! and hopefully you will want to share yours too... If you are interested in "hosting Coffee Friday" then just send your coffee-related pictures (and closed captions) to ... You don't need to be a "blogger" to do so... We'll still give you credit for the pics... And if YOU ARE a blogger we'll also ask you to write a small post that will be featured here in "The Coffee Shop" along with links to your favorite posts (within your blog of course). So do not be shy and join our "coffee Friday's" ...

Here is today's picture (mine)

The talking cup of coffee

There was a birthday party for hubby's grandpa and that cup of coffee was there... so lonely that it got my attention! It was looking at me.... enticing! Inviting! and I could almost hear it whispering my name! (disclaimer: I do not hear voices in my head or from "talking cups of coffee" but if you love coffee as much as I do you understand what I am talking about!) ... HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

© Paloma King

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sweet Thursday Link Up and Apple Cake!

Hello everybody! Welcome to The Coffee Shop, as some of you might know today is "Sweet Thursday" (it's our third week) in the Coffee Shop! And I hope you join and Link Up with us! I will be posting a dessert recipe and all you need to do is post about something sweet/dessert and link up with us! it's that easy! hopefully you will join us today and every Thursday!
The Coffee Shop

So... Today I will not only be sharing a GREAT RECIPE! But... it's also the day I am supposed to write about a cake I made! yes... I am supposed to write about it because I am part of a group of "cake bakers" ...

I just joined so this is my first cake and I am glad it turned out GREAT! The aromas coming from my oven were AMAZING! and hubby and I just enjoyed this cake so much that I am SOOO looking forward to the "cakes to come" ... Its texture is really soft and rich, I compare this cake to an AWESOME choir... there aren't any "voices" (flavors in this case) that are too overpowering or out of tune! The flavors blend in perfect harmony! It's definitely a "grown up kind of cake" too! Not for kids as I doubt they will like it as much.  So... here it is:

Apple Cake with Maple Frosting
From The Cake Book

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2/3 cup buttermilk (you can also use plain yogurt)
2 cups of Granny Smith apples (I almost used 3 apples), peeled and diced (1/3 inch pieces)
1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter and flour a 9-inch square baking pan.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients (flour through salt.) Set aside.
In the bowl of an electric mixer with the paddle attachment, beat the butter on medium speed until creamy, about 1 minute, then gradually add the brown sugar and continue beating on medium-high speed until well blended and light, about 2 minutes. Add the vanilla, then the eggs, one at a time. Beat well after adding each egg, and scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed.
Reduce the speed to low and add the flour mixture in three additions, alternating with the buttermilk (or yogurt) in two additions. Mix just until blended. Turn off the mixer, add the diced apple and chopped walnuts, and stir them in by hand.
Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top. Bake for about 30 minutes, until the top is light golden brown and a tester inserted into the middle comes out clean. Cool completely on a rack, then turn out onto a serving platter before you frost it.

Maple Cream Cheese Frosting

6 ounces cream cheese, softened
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
pinch of salt
1/8 tsp. maple flavoring
1 cup confectioner’s sugar (sifted)

In the bowl of an electric mixer with the paddle attachment, beat together the cream cheese and butter on medium speed until smooth. Add the vanilla, maple syrup, spices and salt. Reduce the speed to low and add the confectioner’s sugar. Beat until well blended. Increase the speed to high, and beat until light and creamy, about 2 minutes.

© Paloma King

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Monday everyone! The week is starting so let's start it right! Let's not begin to whine about it "being Monday" or how much we hate to do this or that... most of the time we are the ones setting the tone for the rest of the week with our attitude! Why not have a grateful/joyful attitude? I know it's hard sometimes.... I know it's easy to complain... besides... everyone else is doing it! right? We don't want to be the "weird ones" who are all happy and pumped up to start a new week! But let's be those "freaks" that are just happy to have a new day to live, thankful to God for giving us a whole new fresh page in our lives to write on! an hey! it comes with NEW MERCY too! So... Let's just be thankful for that and focus on the good instead of the bad... I constantly think that if we spent as much energy and time THANKING for the good things as we do worrying or complaining for the "bad things" in life... we wouldn't really have much time to complain (or maybe we wouldn't even dare to do it!) because we would have a whole new perspective of things! so... anyway... Just mention with me... today ... 3 THINGS (anything) that you are thankful for! Come on! Don't be shy! Even if it's not something "big" or that others might consider "Important" ... Let's do it!

Let me go first: (They don't have to be the things you are MOST THANKFUL FOR IN LIFE... they can just be simple day to day things sometimes you don't even care to thank for but that you acknowledge they make your life... just... better)

  • Spices
  • My vintage coffee cups (we got them at a Christmas gift exchange)
  • Temperature below 100's !

See? It's not that hard! And stop by next Monday also! so you can see what others are thankful for and also if you need a little extra "push" to change your "Monday attitude" ...Would you share with us!?

 © Paloma King

Friday, October 14, 2011

Coffee Friday!

Hello fellow "Coffee Lovers" Welcome to the Coffee Shop and to another "Coffee Friday pre-launch" the re-start for our Coffee Fridays will be in November... But I've been already posting "Coffee Related Pictures" (started last Friday) for everyone to have an idea of what it is all about! We used to do this in the past... but then things happened (or should I say kids happened?) and I got disconnected from every wonderful friend I had already made here! It's taking a lot of work to get re-connected again and I am working hard at getting my friends back at their Favorite "Coffee Shop" but it will be worth it! So... back to the Coffee Friday thing... I just need YOU to send your own "Coffee pictures" to so I can publish them here you'll be all in charge of "serving Coffee" (I will be sending you the schedule letting you know when your pictures will be featured)...  In the e-mail you send with your pics please also include a "closed caption" and a post telling us a little about yourself, your blog or why you love blogging and/or coffee... anything you want to share will be welcome! also make sure you send a link to one of your favorite posts of your blog... So you will get people to know more about you and your blog!

Join us then! Let's have fun and share a "cup of coffee" ...

Here is Today's "Coffee Friday Picture" to give you an example of what you can send! (By the way... BIG Thanks to my friend Sara who took a shot of her beautiful mug which she just bought at an art show!) Remember.. you can be as creative as you want... The picture can be of coffee beans, mugs, coffee shops, coffee stains, funny t-shirts that say something about coffee, etc...

Today (your name here) from (Your blog's name/link here) will be in charge of coffee.

(Your post here.... about one or two paragraphs and a link to one of your favorite posts in your blog)

And then your picture instead of this one

 (Your closed caption)

Make sure you visit (Your name here's blog) and thank her/him for sharing her/his coffee with us today!

So I hope you start sending your pictures! Thank you for being part of "The Coffee Shop"

Note: No inappropriate language/pictures will be published. We reserve the right to publish the article.


© Paloma

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sweet Thursday! Recipe and Link Up!

 Happy Sweet Thursday Everybody! Thank you for choosing this blog as your "Virtual Coffee Shop" Relax and enjoy the atmosphere, the friends and a good cup of coffee if you like... or a cup of tea/hot chocolate if that's what you prefer! Today... as every Thursday (since last week) we are going to be talking about "sweets/desserts" that's what makes our Thursdays sweet! I will be sharing a recipe and then I'll just ask you to "link-up" with us to your blog... where you will be featuring something sweet like a type of dessert, something baked, candy or any kind of sweet treat! and hopefully you'll also share the recipe with us! Hopefully you will share our "Sweet Thursday Button" too!

So here goes my recipe!

I made this recipe for hubby's birthday this year... He REALLY loved it... I just changed it a little bit and used sliced almonds instead of walnuts because hubby prefers them! I found the recipe in the "Martha Stewart LIVING Magazine"

Chocolate Almond Fudge Bars

Ingredients  (Yield: Makes 3 dozen)

  • Vegetable oil cooking spray
  • 27 store-bought chocolate wafer cookies (6 ounces)
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
  • Table salt
  • 1 stick plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 pound bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/4 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup toasted and sliced almonds (or finely chopped walnuts if you prefer)
  • Coarse salt, preferably fleur de sel (I used Kosher Salt)


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Coat a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with cooking spray, and line with parchment, leaving a 2-inch overhang on long sides. Spray parchment.
  • Pulse wafers in a food processor until finely ground, and transfer to a bowl. Add sugar and a pinch of table salt. Melt 6 tablespoons butter, and stir into crumbs. Press into bottom of dish. Bake for 10 minutes.
  • Heat chocolate, condensed milk, whole milk, remaining 4 tablespoons butter, and a pinch of table salt in a double boiler or a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring, until melted. Stir in vanilla.
  •  Pour chocolate mixture over baked cookie layer, smoothing top with an offset spatula. Sprinkle almonds and coarse salt over top, pressing slightly to adhere. Refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.
  • Remove fudge from dish using parchment to lift, and transfer to a cutting board; remove parchment. Trim edges of fudge with a sharp knife, and cut crosswise into six 2-inch-wide strips. Cut each strip crosswise into 3 equal bars, then cut each bar in half on the diagonal to form 36 triangles.

© Paloma King

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

About our Link-Up Party

 Hello everybody! How are you doing? Here in "The Coffee Shop" we are getting ready for our Thursday Link Up Party Sweet Thursday If you want to join you just have to post about something "sweet" tomorrow in your blog (candy, chocolate, dessert, baked stuff anything like that!) and/or share the recipe for a dessert! (Sharing the recipe is not necessary but it would be great!!!) and then just link up with us! I'd really appreciate if you could also share our button:

The Coffee Shop

So more can join and make this a more FUN party! The more the merrier, isn't that right???

We had two great recipes last week! I hope we can have more with each passing week! As I said... it will not only be a GOOD party but a very beautiful one with all the beautiful pictures of good sweetness! :)

I will be sharing a great recipe too of course! (Trust me.... even if you don't link up you want to check that recipe out... did I mention that "chocolate" is the main ingredient???)

So... what do you say? Are you in?? I hope you are! and it will be great to see you every Thursday too!

Have a great day!

© Paloma King

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday of Quotes, Facts and Jokes

I know I am a little late and most of you already started your Tuesday... But here I am bringing you some funny quotes about Coffee... So here we go!

"I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon." ~Ronald Reagan
"In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running" ~Jeff Bezos
"If it wasn't for coffee, I'd have no discernible personality at all" ~David Letterman
 I hope you enjoyed our quotes... Stop by tomorrow to enjoy some more "Coffee Shop" atmosphere with us... wherever you are!

© Paloma King

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good morning everybody! I hope you all had a great weekend! Let's start the week with happy/thankful thoughts, shall we? Please share with us about a good moment you had last week or something you are looking forward to during the week! anything you are thankful for? I am just very happy and thankful for my weekends lately, I mean.... In our near "past" hubby was working so many hours during the weekend too... and even when he was home he was always exhausted... I felt bad for him but I must say I also was sad we couldn't really enjoy much like a family, our weekends now are SO MUCH FUN just from having him with us!! and he even gives me (mommy) a break from the kids and things around the house! and yesterday hubby and I took a "Sunday nap" together... which we hadn't done in over 3 years (our oldest daughter is over 3 years... LOL!) ... Our little baby was sleeping and our oldest one did really great while we slept (it was actually a 2 hour nap) and she was content and just playing on her own! That was bliss! so... anything you'd like to share about? Remember "The Coffee Shop" is not only to talk about food and coffee (we do talk a lot about it and share recipes BUT it's just a virtual coffee shop, where you can talk about anything as you would with your friends!) ... so... share with us... and have a cup of coffee if you'd like!

© Paloma King

Friday, October 7, 2011

Coffee Friday!

As you know I've been saying that Coffee Friday is coming! And it is! The official re-start for our Coffee Fridays will be in November... But I will start posting "Coffee Related Pictures" today and each coming Friday so you have an idea of what it is all about! The difference will be when YOU send your own Coffee pictures for them to be published here you'll be all in charge of "serving Coffee" that day :) ... What you need to do is send your Coffee-related picture to with a "closed caption" and a post telling us a little about yourself, your blog or why you love blogging and/or coffee... anything you want to share will be welcome! So your picture and your blog will be featured in "The Coffee Shop", also make sure you send a link to one of your favorite posts of your blog... So you will get people to know more about you and your blog!  ... Your pictures will be part of our "Coffee Friday Schedule" and I'll let you know via e-mail when your picture will be appearing here!

Join us then! Let's have fun and share a "cup of coffee" ...

Here is Today's "Coffee Friday Picture" to give you an example of what you can send! Remember.. you can be as creative as you want... The picture can be of coffee beans, mugs, coffee shops, coffee stains, funny t-shirts that say something about coffee, etc...

Today (your name here) from (Your blog's name/link here) will be in charge of coffee.

(Your post here.... about one or two paragraphs and a link to one of your favorite posts in your blog)

And then your picture instead of this one
(Your closed caption)
Make sure you visit (Your name here) and thank her/him for sharing her/his coffee with us today!
So I hope you start sending your pictures! Thank you for being part of "The Coffee Shop"

Note: No inappropriate language/pictures will be published. We reserve the right to publish the article or not.
© Paloma King

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sweet Thursday! Recipe and Link Up!

The Coffee Shop

Today is our FIRST OFFICIAL LINK UP PARTY in "The Coffee Shop" I am so excited! I hope I start seeing more and more people join with each passing week! If you didn't read our post last Thursday (when we had a "Link up Party REHEARSAL" (lol) then you probably don't know what Sweet Thursday is all about ... So click on our "Sweet Thursday TAB" (or the Sweet Thursday button above) to read more about it... in just a few words I'll say that it's all about linking up and having a very Sweet Thursday! I'll share a dessert recipe and I will ask you to link up to one of your posts featuring sweet goods (pastries, candy or any kind of sweet treats) ... Let's make this and every Thursday SWEET!  (Link up tool at the bottom of this post!)

Now I will share my recipe which is delicious, VERY easy to make and doesn't require any baking! (Recipe from Auntie Amy)

Chocolate Eclair Torte


  • 2 individual packages graham crackers
  • 2 (3 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
For frosting:
  • 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate
  • 2 Tablespoons butter 
  • 2 Tablespoons white corn syrup 
  • 3 Tablespoons of milk 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 ½ cup powdered sugar.


  1. Line the bottom of a 9x13-inch pan with graham crackers. In a large bowl, combine pudding mix and milk. Stir well. Stir in whipped topping to pudding mixture. Spread half of mixture over graham cracker layer. Top with another layer of graham crackers and the remaining pudding. Top all with a final layer of graham crackers. Refrigerate for about two hours before you frost it.
To make the frosting:
Melt chocolate, butter, corn syrup and milk. Stir in vanilla and sugar. Spread on top of dessert once it's been in the refrigerator for about two hours (it will make it easier to spread the frosting). Refrigerate for at least 8 more hours before serving

© Paloma King

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chocolate chip Cookies - FAIL!

In Mexico we have a saying "Al mejor cazador se le va la liebre" - "Even the best hunter will miss a rabbit" ... And of course I am far from being the best cook... but I feel like at least CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES are something I have "mastered" by now! And yes... I am actually very proud of my chocolate chip cookies but last night I just wasn't feeling like baking... I am fighting a cold (or that's how I feel)... and I just wasn't "inspired"... Plus hubby is sick and I made him some "caldo de Pollo" (Mexican Chicken soup) to make him feel better and I thought "Chocolate Chip Cookies" would be the Cherry on top of the cake that would help him recover! Not that they have medicinal properties! LOL! ... But LOVE does help heal! Doesn't it? So... regardless of all the "signs" I got telling me I shouldn't bake I still went for it... My 9 month old baby was tired and cranky by the time and she was crawling around my feet I kept  being distracted!! Then... I finally managed to start scooping the "cookie dough" on my baking sheets... of course I had to start eating cookie dough by then! (who can resist?) when this thought came to my mind all of a sudden "You shouldn't eat dough that has raw eggs in it" ... and that's when it hit me! RAW EGGS? RAW EGGS!!! I hadn't added the eggs to my batter! I felt like crying! (how dramatic! But forgive me! I was in one of those days where you just feel like crying even over "chocolate chip cookies without eggs!" ... I didn't know what to do... I KNEW adding eggs at this point wasn't a choice... But hubby, seeing my frustration suggested I'd "give it a try" and so I did.... let's just say that not only I wasted flour, chocolate chips, sugars, vanilla and butter but I also wasted 2 EGGS! which could've been saved if I hadn't added them when I knew I just shouldn't! It's funny I am posting this just after my previous post when I was making fun of myself and my "beginnings" in the baking field! Anyway... moral of the story??? Never bake when you just KNOW you are not feeling well... not feeling like baking and when you have a 9 month old baby crawling around you! .... and if you do ... just... DON'T FORGET THE EGGS!!! and if YOU DO... don't add them at the end.... at least save the eggs! - You can laugh now Auntie Sally! -

Hubby showing some"sacrificial love" ate two, they still ended in the trash

© Paloma King

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Why I bake...

This is a more personal post... I got nostalgic today while making a dessert that I would usually eat in one of my hubby's aunts house... "Eclair Chocolate Torte"... and it got me thinking about my wonderful family in Wisconsin (we just recently moved from there)... and how they helped me "start baking"

First of all... I must say... that I had always seen my dad baking... I grew up hearing about flour, eggs, pecans and cinnamon, I knew what it was like to smell warm bread coming out of the oven but honestly I never really "understood it", it was always there... as a part of my life and I never appreciated it, my dad is a baker, a wonderful one, but I guess I always took it for granted, so much that I actually barely ever ate of the bread he made... Then I married and I moved to Wisconsin, where my husband, a wonderful and handsome gringo lived his whole life, also blessed to have people in his life (his mom and aunts) who have always baked from scratch and have always enjoyed doing so! I soon learned how much he "needs" to eat warm cookies! His mom would always make cookies for him, sadly she passed away and I never met her, but because of all that hubby loves coming to a home that smells like something is baking! So I started! in the beginning I didn't really know "how to start" but I looked for some online recipes (or took the recipe from the back of the Nestle chocolate chips bag) and started making "chocolate chip cookies" ... I felt like I had "discovered something" I couldn't believe I could "make cookies"! I always thought it would be harder... and you might laugh but I actually believed cookies took hours to bake! HA! ... Then, my husband's aunts (My aunts) started including me in their "baking sessions", they would bake "Christmas cookies" together and I joined them... embarrassed at first because they are REALLY GOOD AT IT! They seemed so "in control" and I was like a clumsy hen just copying what they were doing... I remember I tried making peanut butter cookies with them... and I didn't add guess what? PEANUT BUTTER! Auntie Janet was nice enough to eat the flat sugary crumbly mess that we could remove from the baking sheets (I doubled the butter too!) we all had a good laugh! ... So my love for baking started growing... I started "baking something" for the family gatherings... although I always felt like I was "bringing water to a well" (translation of a Mexican expression) ... You know? Like I was making a cake for a cake expert! LOL! how intimidating! But everyone would still oooh! and aaah! when eating what I made! I must say I have a wonderful, loving family in Wisconsin... and all those things encouraged me too keep baking! (Hubby's praises over the things I baked were definitely important too!)... Then, going to grandma's house (hubby's grandma) and seeing her spread baked goods and her famous chocolate cake when we would visit were something else that made me love baking, the way my aunts and grandma do everything with such love and femininity... I felt like I was witnessing with my own eyes a scene taken from "Little Women"! I truly thought things like that happened only in books... but I am so thankful I got to see it happen in real life... in my life... God has blessed me so much! grandma Shirley, Aunties Sally, Janet and Amy have been like a gift to me! and it's because of them that I actually finally got to understand why my dad speaks the way he does about flour, milk, butter and eggs! I hope I can keep learning so one days someone enjoys being around me as much as I've enjoyed being around those wonderful ladies!!! I hope I can see them soon!

© Paloma King