
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cafe Paloma (in Seattle)

And I am back.... Life's been so hectic but we still have time to drink our nightly cup of coffee ...

Today I just want to share this beautiful picture I received last week from my Father In Law who went to Seattle with his wife, they saw this sign outside a Cafe, and they thought of me not only because it's related to Coffee and they know how much I love it, but because of my name, Paloma, so they took the picture, printed it and framed it and it's now hanging on a wall in my kitchen (it looks really cool against the color of our walls!) So, I went online to see if I could find anything about this Coffee Shop in Seattle and of course I did... their official website is and of course it's now a place I want to visit some day! I loved the picture of their homepage, looks fresh and classic, I hope I can enjoy a cup of coffee in that place one day and take a picture and be able to share it with you (whoever is honoring me by reading this blog) ... so, if you are in Seattle and/or have been there and visited "Cafe Paloma" Let me know how it was!

Oh! By the way... I am just sending an e-mail to the e-mail address on the "Cafe Paloma" website, let's see if I am lucky enough to have them visit my "Coffee Lovers Blog"


Y estoy de regreso... Mi vida ha estado un poco ocupada ultimamente, pero por supuesto aun tengo tiempo de tomarme mi taza de cafe cada noche...

Hoy solo quiero compartir esta hermosa foto que recibi de mi suegro quien fue a Seattle con su esposa y al ver este letrero afuera del cafe pensaron en mi no solo porque amo el cafe sino por mi nombre, Paloma, asi que tomaron la foto, la imprimieron y la enmarcaron y ahora esta colgada en la pared de mi cocina (y luce genial en contraste con el color de la pared).

Me di a la tarea de buscar informacion sobre este Cafe para ver si encontraba algo y por supuesto que encontre! la pagina oficial del cafe es y se ha convertido en un lugar que espero algun dia visitar en persona! Me encanto la foto inicial de su pagina, es muy fresca y clasica, espero algun dia poder disfrutar una taza de cafe en ese lugar y tomar una foto para compartirla con ustedes (quien quiera que me haga el honor de visitar mi blog)... Asi que, si estas en Seattle y/o has estado ahi y visitado el "Cafe Paloma" Cuentame que tal estuvo!

Por cierto, estoy enviando un correo electronico a la direccion de correo de "Cafe Paloma", ya les contare si me responden! Ojala tenga suerte y hasta visiten este blog!